The Present Continuous Tense
V-ing Play – playing Make – making Sit – sitting Lie – lying
Now you try! paint go give look swim smile tie buy shop listen plan call sleep wait - painting - going - giving - looking - swimming - smiling - tying - buying - shopping - listening - planning - calling - sleeping - waiting
Hello! My name is Lucy. Look at me! I am playing the violin. I am painting. I am skipping.
Look at them! They are athletes. He is playing tennis. She is skiing. He is running. She is cycling.
Look out of the window! A dog is barking. A bird is flying. The wind is blowing. It is raining.
Look at us! We are musicians! We are playing music and singing. They are dancing. You are looking and listening.
am=m is=s are=re I am skipping. Im skipping. She is skiing.Shes skiing. They are dancing. Theyre dancing.
Present Continuous positive Iam V -ing. He She It is You We They are
not The lion is jumping. – It is not dancing. I am working. – I am not sleeping. We are talking. – We are not working.
Present Continuous negative Iam not V -ing. He She It is not You We They are not
Am I skating? No, you arent. Am I making a snowman? Yes, you are. Are they having dinner? No, they arent. Are they reading a book? Yes, they are. Is he watching a film? No, he isnt. Is he playing a video game? Yes, he is. Are you sleeping? No, Im not. Are you playing with your kite? Yes, I am!
What is he doing? How well are they playing? Who is speaking? Why are you shaking hands? Where is the bear going?
Thank you!