ordered warned advised offered begged Not to + inf He told me not to stand up.


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Тема: Прямая и косвенная речь Direct and Reported Speech Утверждения.

ordered warned advised offered begged Not to + inf He told me not to stand up.

Present Simple | Past Simple Present Continuous | Past Continuous Present Perfect | Past Perfect Past Simple | Past Perfect Future | Сonditional said to smb | told smb

Change Time expressions Today, tonight, this week Today, tonight, this week That day, that night, that week That day, that night, that week Now Now Then, at that time, at once, immediately Then, at that time, at once, immediately Yesterday, last night/week Yesterday, last night/week The day before, the previous night/week The day before, the previous night/week Tomorrow, next week/month/year Tomorrow, next week/month/year The day after, the following day, the next week The day after, the following day, the next week Two days/years ago Two days/years ago Two days/years before Two days/years before

Change Certain Words This This That That These These Those Those Here Here There There Come Come go go

Change Modal Verbs Can Can Could Could May May Might Might Must Must Had to Had to

Turn from Direct into Reported Speech Robert said, This film is funny. Robert said, This film is funny. Robert said (that) the film was funny. Robert said (that) the film was funny. Im starting a new job next week, she said. Im starting a new job next week, she said. She said she was starting a new job the following week. She said she was starting a new job the following week. Bob said to mum, I dont like this jacket. Bob said to mum, I dont like this jacket. Bob told mum he didnt like that jacket. Bob told mum he didnt like that jacket. He said to her, Close the door, please. He said to her, Close the door, please. He asked her to close the door. He asked her to close the door. I may be late today, she said. I may be late today, she said. She said she might be late that day. She said she might be late that day. Well done! Well done!

Test yourself 1. I got my exam results last week, he said. 2. I cant afford to buy this dress, she said to her friend. 3. She said, Give me this book, please. 4. I wont be late again, he said. 5. We must go home now, they said to us. 6. There is too much violence on TV, said dad. 7. Im going to a party tonight, she said. 8. This is a very good book, he said to me. 9. Dont do it again! he said to her. 10. Ive never done it, she said.

1. H e said he had got his exam results the week before. 2. S he told her friend she couldnt afford to buy that dress. 3. S he asked to give her that book. 4. H e said he wouldnt be late again. 5. T hey told us they had to go home at that moment. 6. D ad said there was too much violence on TV. 7. S he said she was going to a party that night. 8. H e told me that was a very good book. 9. H e told her not to do it again. 10. S he said she had never done it. Well done! Check yourself