Презентацию выполнила Учитель английского языка ГБОУ СОШ 1914 г.Москва Шацило Юлия Валентиновна Animals
I think it is a (an)… Who is it? It is a HIPPO! Who is it? It is a CHEETAH!
I think it is a (an)... Who is it? It is a BEAR! Who is it? It is a MONKEY!
I think it is a (an)... Who is it? It is a LION! Who is it? It is an ELEPHANT!
I think it is a (an)... It is a PENGUIN! Who is it? It is a GIRAFFE!
It is black and white. It is slim and fast. It isnt lazy. It can run and jump. It cant fly. It lives in the zoo. Who is it? (zebra) Is it a (an)…? Yes, it is. No it isnt.
Thank you boys and girls!!!
Источники zoohttp:// hippohttp://media.snl.no/system/images/f/flodhest_istock_ jpg 3. d1.jpg - cheetahhttp://img0.liveinternet.ru/images/attach/c/2/67/559/ _ _gepar d1.jpg bearhttp://cs5254.vkontakte.ru/u /-6/x_c4f1dd19.jpg 5. CROP.jpg - monkeyhttp://motherjones.com/files/legacy/mojoblog/ DSC_9847SmilingMonkey CROP.jpg lionhttp://forum.exler.ru/arc/uploads/post jpg elephanthttp://w.velvet.by/files/userfiles/4467/beautiful_elephant_images_640_04.jpg penguinhttp:// giraffehttp://socialseti.ru/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/ jpg zebrahttp:// excellenthttp://i076.radikal.ru/1112/75/17726c7e939d.jpg – шаблон 13.Коллекция картинок Microsoft Office (Microsoft Office Online)