THE TRIBES OF CELTS. Celtic tribes were represented by: the Picts, the Scots, the Britons.


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Celtic tribes were represented by: the Picts, the Scots, the Britons.

The Picts settled in the mountains in the North. Some Picts and several tribes of Scots settled in Ireland. But later the Scots decided to return from Ireland to the larger island. They chose its northern part. Now this part is called Scotland.

The britons were the most powerful of all the Celtic tribes and they occupied most of the country. It was named Britain after them. The britons chose land for living along the rivers or near the coasts of the sea. What they did was fishing, growing wheat and breeding sheep in the meadows.

Danish invaders in England. Vikings on the British Isles.

Vikings are the Scandinavian military teams made sea campaigns at coast of the European countries. Scandinavians - ancestors of the latest Icelanders, Norwegians, Danes and Swedes.

At the end of the 8 th century the Danes did the same what the Anglo –Saxons did Four centuries earlier. The Danes began to attack Britain, coming in 3 or 4 ships.

In the Anglo-Saxon chronicle spot-check of pirates of a unknown origin to Portland in Dorset in 787 is mentioned. In 789 the Vikings began to attack the British Isles. On June, 8th 793 н. э. Vikings have landed on island Lindisfarn. This first attack of Vikings precisely fixed in written sources though it is obvious, that Scandinavians visited the British coast and earlier.

To one of the main successes of the Danish Vikings became a gain of Anglo- Saxon kingdoms and occupation of western and northern part of England.