Seasons and Weather Лекомцева Татьяна Андреевна, учитель английского языка Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение Средняя общеобразовательная школа.


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Seasons and Weather Лекомцева Татьяна Андреевна, учитель английского языка Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение Средняя общеобразовательная школа 112 г. Трёхгорный.

Phonetic training Rain, rain go to Spain! Never come back again! The kite went higher and higher in the bright blue sky. Evening red and morning grey, Send the traveler on his way; Evening grey and morning red, Bring the rain upon his head.

What is the weather like in different seasons? Form adjectives from the nouns to answer this question ( as in the model). Model: rain – rainy. It is rainy in autumn. Cloud, frost, storm, fog, sun, wind.

UNSCRAMMBLE WORDS AND SAY AS IN A MODEL. Model: It is cloudy today. It will be rainy tomorrow. 1. DYOULC 2. AIRNY 3. SRTOYM 4. SUYNN 5. DYINW 6. OTH 7. OFGGY 8. FORSYT 9. YWSON 10. TEW

Put one extra word away and guess the season: Rain, foggy, yellow leaves, snow, cloudy; Warm, green leaves, May, New Year; Snow, frosty, flowers, cold, hockey; Sunny, July, snowman, hot, flowers.

Describe your favourite season. These pictures will help you.

True or false? Correct false sentences. 1. The weather is hot in autumn. 2. The leaves fall down in spring. 3. The sun shines brightly in summer. 4. The sky is cloudy in spring. 5. It is usually snowy and frosty in winter in Russia. 6. The weather is usually rainy in England. 7. It is wet and rainy in autumn. 8. It is windy and stormy in summer. 9. Birds come back in spring. 10. There is much snow in winter.

There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn and winter. Each of them lasts three months. Read short text and guess what season is described. Start your answer with I think it's… because… This season comes in March and ends in May. Snow melts. It often rains in …, especially in April. People say," April showers bring May flowers. The weather is changeable. Usually it's cool. But sometimes it's very cold. In April winds bring warm weather.

You are not mistaken! Its spring!

Match the beginning and the ending of the English proverbs Everything is good It never rains April showers bring After rain comes Every cloud has -a silver lining. -May flowers. -fair weather. -in its season. -but it pours.

Используемые интернет ресурсы: bin/ bin/ / / age=5 age=5