At the Farm If you live at a farm youll very soon find There is plenty of work of many a kind, Such as sowing the seed, and milking the cows, And driving the sheep to green meadows to browse, There are pigs and cows and oxen to feed, And sometimes the horse to the field to lead. Oh, there is plenty of work at the farm, you know, With our four-footed friends, that we love so!
Domestic animals are animals which live near people on a farm. They eat grass, fruit and vegetables. They are very useful. People cant live without animals. They help people to work. They give us food. We must take care of domestic animals.
THE HORSE The horse is a noble and useful animal. He is gentle and willing to work. He loves his master, and soon learns to know him. The horse is a clever animal. He can find his way home even if he goes by a new road. The horse feeds on grass, hay and corn. Many people like to ride a horse especially children.
THE COW The cow is a very useful animal. The cow gives us milk and cream, from which we make butter and cheese. Milk helps us to be strong and healthy. From the cow we get leather and horn. A young cow is called a calf. People keep the cows in cow-houses. In summer cows and calves eat fresh grass, and in winter we feed them on hay.
THE GOAT The goat is also a very useful animal. It gives us milk. From goats milk we can make butter and cheese. Goats are as big as dogs. They are very strong. They like to run, climb and jump. They can climb high hills. They like to fight.
THE SHEEP Sheep live in many countries. The best kind of sheep are found in Middle Asia. They give us beautiful wool. In summer sheep are driven to browse. Sheep are meek and silly creatures, and somebody must look after them all the time. But they are very useful.
THE HEN The hen is a domestic bird, but it cant fly. It is not very big. It is white or colourful. It eats grass or grain. It gives us eggs.
In our class 45% pupils help their grandparents to take care of animals. They feed animals and watch for animals. watch for animals