Урок английского языка во 2-м классе На тему: «Игрушки», «Части тела» - повторение и закрепление пройденного материала.


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Урок английского языка во 2-м классе На тему: «Игрушки», «Части тела» - повторение и закрепление пройденного материала.

Theme: Toys

What has Larry got? Larry has got a toy soldier. What colour is it? It is white and green. What has Lulu got? Lulu has got a ballerina. What colour is it? It is red and pink.

What about Chuckles? What has he got? He has got a teddy bear.

But what have you got? What do you look like? ears I have got Ive got eyes nose mouth hair toes

Phonetic training / i / /J / Teddy bear Нappy teddy bear, happy teddy bear! Oh, where are you? Oh, where? I love you, teddy bear! Oh, where are you? Oh, where? A happy teddy bear with a yellow yo-yo!

Translate from Russian into English Переведите с русского на англ.яз in on under 1. The (лягушка) is (под) the (стул). 2. The (солдатик) is (в) the (игрушечной коробке). 3. Is the ball (в) the (коробка)? 4. The (плюшевый мишка) is (на) the (стол). 5. The doll is not (на) the (кровати)?

New material : SB p. 88 ex.1,2 SB p. 89 ex. 3,4 WB Module 4 H/ W SB p.88 ex.1 WB p.48 ex.1,2