Игра – тренажёр для учащихся 5 класса по теме «Разделительные вопросы» УМК М.З. Биболетова «Enjoy English 5-6»
Choose the right items to complete the sentences 1.If you are mistaken, youll see this picture and you should try again! 2.If you are right, youll see this one. Choose the right items to complete the sentences 1.If you are mistaken, youll see this picture and you should try again! 2.If you are right, youll see this one.
You are in the fifth form, are you? arent you? No, you arent. dont you?
The students arrange a picnic at the weekend, do they? dont the students? didnt they? dont they?
The weather was wonderful, wasnt it? was it? didnt it? did it?
The accommodation costs werent very high, were they? was it? wasnt it? werent they?
Ill stay with my partners family, wont you? will I? wont I? dont I?
Its not his invitation letter, isnt it? does it? is it? doesnt it?
This student must study well, mustnt he? must he? mustnt this? must this?
The headteacher didnt get the invitation, didnt he? did he? wasnt he? did the headteacher?