Student: Krivorotenko Y. Teacher: Galagan O.N.
Mikhail Vasilevich Lomonosov Mikhail Vasilevich Lomonosov was born in 1711 near Archangelsk in the north of Russia. Mikhail Vasilevich Lomonosov was born in 1711 near Archangelsk in the north of Russia.
When a boy he didnt go to school as the were no school where he lived.. Instead he studied Russian grammar and arithmetic on his own while helping fishermen at sea. When a boy he didnt go to school as the were no school where he lived.. Instead he studied Russian grammar and arithmetic on his own while helping fishermen at sea.
In 1730 young Mikhail went to Moscow to get a regular education. In 1731 he became an academy student. He made wonderful progress and in 1731 won a scholarship to University of Marburg, Germany.
There he worked in the field of sciences and also wrote lyric poetry. In 1745 he returned to Saint Petersburg and was appointed professor of chemistry at the Academy of Sciences. Working there he organized a laboratory and made a lot of discoveries in chemistry and physics. He is also known as a reformer of the Russian language and a contributor to Russian literature.
In 1757 he became a councilor of Moscow University which he had helped to found. In 1757 he became a councilor of Moscow University which he had helped to found.
Died in St. Petersburg, Lomonosov 4 (15) April Died in St. Petersburg, Lomonosov 4 (15) April 1765.