UNIT-III SORTING Lesson Plan-1 Insertion Sort, Selection Sort
Contents Evocation Objective Introduction-Sorting Sort Classifications Sort Insertion Sort Selection Sort Mind map Summary
ANNEXURE-I Evocation
Objective To study the basic concept of sorting techniques To discuss about the insertion sort and selection sort algorithm with examples
ANNEXURE-II Introduction-Sorting A sorting algorithm is an algorithm that puts elements of a list in a certain order Consider list x 1, x 2, x 3, … x n We seek to arrange the elements of the list in order Ascending or descending For example, to arrange the elements in ascending order Start End Some O(n 2 ) schemes Easy to understand and implement Inefficient for large data sets
Sort Classifications Sort Internal External InsertionSelection Exchange Insertion Selection ShellHeap Bubble Quick Natural Balanced Polyphase
Sort Internal Sort Data are held in primary memory during sorting process External Sort Use primary memory for data currently being sorted Sort Order Data sorted in ascending or descending sequence Identifies sequence of sorted data, ascending or descending Example Ascending sequence - Dictionary, telephone book Descending sequence - Percentage of games won in sporting event such as base ball
Sort Sort Stability Attribute of sort indicating data with equal keys maintain relative input order in output Unsorted data Stable sort Unstable sort 365 blue 212 green 876 white 212 yellow 119 purple 737 green 212 blue 443 red 567 yellow 119 purple 212 green 212 yellow 212 blue 365 blue 443 red 567 yellow 737 green 876 white 119 purple 212 blue 212 green 212 yellow 365 blue 443 red 567 yellow 737 green 876 white
Sort Sort Efficiency Measure of relative efficiency of sort Estimate of number of comparisons and moves required to order unordered list Passes During sorting, data traversed many times Each traversal of data is referred to as sort pass Sort pass traverse whole list or section of list
Insertion Sort In each pass of insertion sort, one or more pieces of data are inserted into correct location in ordered list Most common sort technique used by card players Pick up each card, then insert into proper sequence in hand Repeatedly insert a new element into an already sorted list
List is divided into two parts: Sorted and Unsorted In each pass the first element of unsorted sublist is transferred to sorted sublist by inserting at appropriate place If list contains n elements, it will take n-1 passes to sort data
Insertion Sort Example
ANNEXURE-III Progressive Muscular Relaxation Forehead Wrinkle your forehead and arch your eyebrows Hold; then relax Eyes Close your eyes tightly. Hold; then relax Nose Wrinkle your nose and flare your nostrils. Hold; then relax Tongue Push your tongue firmly against the roof of your mouth Hold; then relax
Optical Illusion What do you see in the image below?
Logo Identification
Abbreviation AIAA BAE BNSC A&A
Selection Sort List is divided into two sublists, sorted and unsorted which are divided by imaginary wall In each pass, the smallest element is selected from unsorted sublist and exchanged with element at beginning of unsorted sublist Make passes through a list On each pass reposition correctly some element
Selection Sort Example
ANNEXURE-IV Mind Map Sorting Classification Insertion SortSelection Sort Algorithm Example Program Algorithm Example Program
ANNEXURE-V Summary Sorting is one of the most common data processing applications Sorting algorithms are classified as either internal or external Data may be sorted in ascending or descending order Sort stability is an attribute of sort indicating data with equal keys maintain relative input order in output Sort efficiency is a measure of relative efficiency of sort Each traversal of data during sorting process is referred to as pass
Summary In Straight insertion sort, list is divided into two sublists: Sorted and Unsorted In each pass the first element of unsorted sublist is transferred to sorted sublist by inserting at appropriate place In Straight selection sort the list is divided into two sublists, sorted and unsorted In each pass, the process selects the smallest element from unsorted sublist and exchanged with element at beginning of unsorted sublist