Great Plague 1665 The Black Death
100,000 people - dead! 40,000 dogs - destroyed! 200,000 cats - destroyed!
The Plague When people caught the plague they had the following symptoms: Fever Lumps on the body-especially in armpits, neck and inner thighs Sneezing The plague would usually lead to death
How it spread People had different ideas about how the disease spread: Through the air By animals like pigs, cats and dogs Through touching people who have the disease
How people tried to protect themselves Shopkeepers made people put their money in a bowl of vinegar to clean the money No animals on the streets inc cats, dogs, pigs, pigeons People not allowed out of houses with the plague Rich people walked around sniffing sweet smelling poses Poor people held cloths soaked in vinegar to their nose instead of poses Some people thought that smoking a pipe would ward off bad air- even children were made to smoke! Some tried using leeches to suck away the bad blood
London 1665 Houses were tightly packed together and the streets were dirty - ideal conditions for the plague to spread, particularly during the hot summer of 1665.
Spring 1665 When plague broke out in Holland in 1663, Charles II stopped trading with the country in an attempt to prevent plague infested rats arriving in London. However, the plague broke out in the capital in the Spring of Spread by the blood-sucking fleas that lived on the black rat.
June 1665 The Summer of 1665 was a very hot summer and the number of people dying grew. People began to panic and rich people fled the capital. By June people needed a certificate of health to travel or enter another town or city. This was to try and stop the disease spreading further.
July 1665 The temperature and the numbers of deaths continued to rise. The Lord Mayor of London heard rumours that it was the stray dogs and cats on the streets that were spreading the disease and ordered them to be destroyed. This caused the numbers of deaths to rise even more because there were no stray dogs and cats to kill the rats.
Bring out your dead! The houses that contained plague victims were marked with a red cross. People only went out into the streets when they really needed to, preferring the 'safety' of their own homes. Carts were driven through the streets at night. The driver's call of 'bring out yer dead' was a call for those with a death in the house to bring the body out and place it onto the cart. Bodies were then buried in mass graves.
November 1665 The numbers of deaths from the plague reached a peak in August and September of However, it was November and the onset of cold weather that brought a drastic reduction in the number of deaths. Charles II did not consider it safe to return to the capital until February 1666.
Acting out the plague Searchers- look at the dead bodies and decide on how they died Watchers- to watch the houses with the plague and make sure they stay locked inside Doctor- to check ill people and decide if they have the plague Hunters- to kill the stray cats and dogs Corpse bearers- lifting dead bodies into the cart to be taken away and buried Bellman- calls out Bring out your dead!
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