Winter Spring Summer Autumn
Spring is green, Summer is bright, Autumn is yellow, Winter is white, Winter brings us snow-flakes, Spring – green buds and shoots. Summer brings us berries, Autumn – golden fruits.
January February March April May June July August September October November December
Riddles ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? A little old woman With twelve children: Some short, some long, some hot. What is it?
? We are the twelve little men who make the year go, Starting over again. Were the twelve little men – Do you remember them? Making sunshine and snow. We are the twelve little men who make the year go.
? What man cannot live inside the house?
Ring-a-ring! Ding! Ding! Ding! In comes Summer, Out goes Spring. Ring-a-ring! Ding! Ding! Ding! Welcome, Summer, Good-bye, Spring.
WORD PUZZLE What Are the Words? Here are the weather words. Put the letters in the correct order. wte nnusy nfei oldc niwdy yrnai rawm birtgh sonyw
wet sunny fine cold windy rainy warm bright snowy
FAREWELL TO FOUR SEASONS Green for spring and blue for summer, As the days go by; Gold for autumn, white for winter, Old years gone. Good-bye!