I am proud of My family. Executed Bavizkaya Vika
ABOUT ME My name is Vicky. I'm 17 years old. I want to tell you about my family. My mother is economist. She works in the social services center. She likes her profession. She is a good-looking woman with brown hair and grey eyes. She is 44 but she looks much younger. She is tall and slim. My father is a skipper. He is very experienced. He is a broad-shouldered, tall man with dark hair and green eyes. He is 50 years. My sister is economist. She is 23 years. She is low girl with dark short hair and green eyes. My parents are hard-working people. My mother is very good at cooking and she is clever with her hands. She is very practical. My sister and I try to help her with the housework. I love my family.
I, Bavizkaya Vika My mom, Bavitskaya Tanya My grandmother, Chernousova Raisa My grandfather, Nicholay Chernousov My dad, Bavitsky Sergey My grandfather, Bavitsky Yuri My grandmother, Bavitskaya Vera My sister, Bavitskaya Julia
My distant relative -Anna Bavitskaya was born in a circuses family, and from five years she was engaged in acrobatics, and she grew up.She be- came famous acrobat and performed with the number of "rubber".
My grandfather - Chernousov Nicholas was born in After high school, he entered the College of Agricultural Mechanization, on specialty of tractor-driver. After schooling, he returned home to his native collective farm and began to work as a tractor driver. Soon, he was drafted into the army. After his military service, he went to live in the city of Baku. There he was married and had lived in Azerbadzhan until 1990.
My grandmother - Bavitskaya Vera - Dad's mother. Here, she devoted her entire life as a chief accountant. My grandmother had been working for 40 years as chief accountant.
My grandfather Bavitsky Yuri, was born in 1935, he had worked as a skipper in the fleet Fisheries Russia.
My dad - Bavitsky Sergey has been following on footsteps of his father - my grandfather.
My family had to leave the city Baku to Ust- Donetsk. During the journey my parents were married. And my sister was three months old. I and my sister.
Thank you for your attention!