– Born in Stratford-upon-Avon, Scotland 1582 – married to Anne Hathaway 1585 – moved to London 1613 – returned to Sratford – died
They married in 1592 and had three children: Susan, Hamnet, Judith.
Titus Andronicus first performed in 1594 (printed in 1594), Romeo and Juliet (1597), Hamlet (1603), Julius Caesar (1623), Othello (1622), Antony and Cleopatra (1623), King Lear 1606 (1608), Coriolanus (1623), derived from Plutarch Timon of Athens (1623), and Macbeth (1623).
King Henry VI Part (printed in 1594); King Henry VI Part (1594); King Henry VI Part (1623); King John (1623); King Henry IV Part (1598); King Henry IV Part (1600); King Henry V (1600); Richard II (1597); Richard III 1601 (1597); and King Henry VIII (1623)
Taming of the Shrew first performed (1623), Comedy of Errors 1594 (1623), Two Gentlemen of Verona (1623), Love's Labour's Lost (1598), Midsummer Night's Dream (1600), Merchant of Venice (1600), Much Ado About Nothing (1600), As You Like It (1623), Merry Wives of Windsor (1602), Troilus and Cressida 1602 (1609), Twelfth Night 1602 (1623), All's Well That Ends Well (1623), Measure for Measure 1604 (1623), Pericles, Prince of Tyre (1609), Tempest (1611), Cymbeline (1623), Winter's Tale (1623).
His tombstone is inscribed with the following epitaph: Good friend for Jesus sake forbeare To digg the dust encloased heare Blessed by y man y spares hes stones And curst be he y moves my bones