Everybody wants to live a long healthy live. Unfortunately, now it has become a dream. Because of the polluted environment people suffer a lot of deceases.


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Healthy way of life and sports in our life. Sport is very important in our life. It is popular among young and old people. Many people do morning exercises,
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Everybody wants to live a long healthy live. Unfortunately, now it has become a dream. Because of the polluted environment people suffer a lot of deceases. And the best way to be healthy is to do sports. For anyone who really wants to be healthy, going in for sport has become an integral part of their lives.

Healthy Lifestyle Going in for sports Sporting live of our school Healthy Feeding Giving up bad of habits

Going in for sports Many sports activities have become part of daily live of many people. Sport makes people healthy, keep them fit, more organized and better disciplined. It is known that most schoolchildren are interested in sport or take part in a sporting activity. The most popular sports among schoolchildren are: football, volleyball, tennis, cycling, skiing, skating, swimming. Many sports activities have become part of daily live of many people. Sport makes people healthy, keep them fit, more organized and better disciplined. It is known that most schoolchildren are interested in sport or take part in a sporting activity. The most popular sports among schoolchildren are: football, volleyball, tennis, cycling, skiing, skating, swimming.

Sporting life of our school. Every morning before beginning of the lessons all pupils of our school do morning exercises. They help to feel great during the whole day. Every morning before beginning of the lessons all pupils of our school do morning exercises. They help to feel great during the whole day.

Recently at the 20 the of February a military – sport game «Zarnitsa» was held at our school. It was a real holiday of health and friendship for both teams. Recently at the 20 the of February a military – sport game «Zarnitsa» was held at our school. It was a real holiday of health and friendship for both teams.

Giving up of bad habits To avoid serious decease one should give up smoking. Consequences of taking up the habit are terrible. Thats why smoking is banned in all public places Regular physical exercises, moderate feeding helps to give up bad habits. To avoid serious decease one should give up smoking. Consequences of taking up the habit are terrible. Thats why smoking is banned in all public places Regular physical exercises, moderate feeding helps to give up bad habits.

Healthy Feeding Our health depends on food wheat. Do you know what a healthy diet mean? It means eating low – fat, high fibre food and more fruit and vegetables rich in vitamins. Our health depends on food wheat. Do you know what a healthy diet mean? It means eating low – fat, high fibre food and more fruit and vegetables rich in vitamins.

Dont forget that: -too little food makes you thin. -too little food makes you thin. -too much food makes you fat. -too much food makes you fat. -the wrong food makes you ill. -the wrong food makes you ill. -the right food keeps you well. -the right food keeps you well. -too many sweets are bad for you, especially for your teeth. -too many sweets are bad for you, especially for your teeth.

Good Rules to Remember 1. Get up early and go to bed early to keep fit. 1. Get up early and go to bed early to keep fit. 2. Take regular exercises to keep fit. 2. Take regular exercises to keep fit. 3. Take a cool shower to keep fit. 3. Take a cool shower to keep fit. 4. Eat healthy food to keep fit. 4. Eat healthy food to keep fit. 5. Never smoke to keep fit. 5. Never smoke to keep fit. 6. Clean your teeth every morning and every evening to keep fit. 6. Clean your teeth every morning and every evening to keep fit. 7. Wash your hands before you eat to keep fit. 7. Wash your hands before you eat to keep fit.