Holidays Презентация к уроку английского языка в 3 классе Учитель: Куприянова Л. М.


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Merry, Merry Christmas Is likely to come. Merry, Merry Christmas, You are welcome!

A letter to Santa Claus. Урок английского языка. 3 класс Автор: Плешакова О. С.
Merry Christmas!. Christmas symbols wreath reindeer bell stocking fireplace Father Christmas candle gift.
Rebus Крыса – rat Ведро – bin Рука – hand Шляпа – hat Змея – snake Дерево – tree Машина – car Окно – window Майка – vest Яйцо – egg.
Merry Christmas. Christmas in Great Britain The New Years Day … / very popular in Great Britain. The New Years Day … / very popular in Great Britain.
The 25 th of December is a) Christmas Day b) New Year c) Boxing Day.
Holidays Cherepcova Regina 8 х-б класс. St.Valentine is day.
Презентация к уроку по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме: Рождество ( викторина)
Christmas and New Year Traditions Christmas Day The 25 th of December is Christmas Day. Its a happy holiday for many people in many countries.
Учим английский с мамой Speak English! Говори по-английски!
Nice to see you!. Do the crossword! holiday* get* doll* celebrate* *balls *party *present *puppy *send *telegram *toy.
Merry Christmas. 1. When do people in Europe celebrate Christmas? a. On the 24th of December; b. On the 1st of January; с. On the 25th of December.
Christmas traditions aroun d Britain Артемьева О.Г. ГОУ СОШ 23 Санкт-Петербург.
Презентация к уроку английского языка в 5 классе «В удивительном мире грамматики» Презентация создана учителем английского языка Родионовой Т.А МОУ-СОШ.
Дормидонтова Валентина.8 «Г» класс.. English people celebrate Christmas on the 25 th of December.
The Presentation is done by Alyosha Gruzdev C O N T E N T S.
Dear friends. … is coming! Be ready to me! Ive already visited the children in England, Scotland and Wales. Children have already decorated … and hang.
Всероссийский конкурс «A wish list to Santa» работы наших учащихся учитель:Горячева Елена Владимировна.
Презентация по английскому языку по теме: Презентация "Рождество в Великобритании" 2 класс
Hello, my dear friends. Ill be glad to see you soon. Ive got a surprise for you. You will get it if you work hard today.

Holidays Презентация к уроку английского языка в 3 классе Учитель: Куприянова Л. М.

Christmas 25 December New Year 1 January

Январь ПнВтСрЧтПтСбВс Декабрь ПнВтСрЧтПтСбВс


23 December Dear Jill and Jim, My name is Santa Claus. I am old but merry. I have got a friend. He is a reindeer Rudolf. I love children. I have got a big bag with presents. I have got presents for you. Be good pupils. Do homework every day. Read books. Speak English. Be healthy. Wash your hands and face every day. Help your mum and dad. Don`t be lazy. Have fun on holidays. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, Santa Claus

Christmas tree Christmas tree a symbol of Christmas and New Year

Christmas Cards:

Christmas wishes: Merry Christmas! Happy New Year! Good Health! Good Holidays! Good Friends! Good Presents! Good Marks!