H I S T O R Y 1770 – captain James Cook discovered Australia. He landed south of present day Sydney and claimed this part of land for the King of England – captain James Cook discovered Australia. He landed south of present day Sydney and claimed this part of land for the King of England – captain Arthur Phillip commanded eleven ships to Australia. About 750 of the 1000 people on the ships were convicts. They were the first British settlers – captain Arthur Phillip commanded eleven ships to Australia. About 750 of the 1000 people on the ships were convicts. They were the first British settlers. At that time Australia was inhabited by the Aborigines. There were about 300,000 Aborigines living on the continent. At that time Australia was inhabited by the Aborigines. There were about 300,000 Aborigines living on the continent – Great Britain claimed all of Australia – Great Britain claimed all of Australia – Australia became a nation within the British Empire under Queen Victorias rule. It was called the Commonwealth of Australia – Australia became a nation within the British Empire under Queen Victorias rule. It was called the Commonwealth of Australia – Australia gained independence from Great Britain – Australia gained independence from Great Britain.
This monument in Botany Bay National Park, on Australias southeastern coast, commemorates the sites discovery by British explorer Captain James Cook in Cook claimed possession of the territory for the United Kingdom, leading to the arrival of the first European settlers on the Australian continent in Monument at Botany Bay Captain James Cook, a British explorer, was killed during a fight with islanders in Hawaii.
Located in Sydney Cove along the Port Jackson waterfront of Sydney, Australia, Circular Quay was the final point of anchorage of the First Fleet, which brought the first European settlers to Australia in Long the shipping center of Sydney, Circular Quay is now the main dock for ferries traversing Port Jackson. Circular Quay, Sydney Captain Arthur Phillip
Australia is situated in the southern hemisphere south of Asia, between the Pacific and the Indian Oceans. It is surrounded by three countries, Indonesia and New Guinea to the north and New Zealand to the south-east. Australia is a continent, a country and an island all at the same time. It is the sixth largest country and the smallest continent in the world. Its territory is 7.7million square kilometres.
C L I M A T E The climate of Australia is varied, from tropical in the north to temperate in the south – east. Australia is situated in southern hemisphere thats why it has summer when we have winter. It is the worlds driest continent. The wettest months are between April and June. The sun shines most days of the year. Water temperature in Sydney: С in summer and +18 С in winter.
G O V E R N M E N T The Commonwealth of Australia is a federal parliamentary state, a member of British Commonwealth. Formally the chief of the state is the British Queen Elizabeth II represented by the Governor General. The Head of the Government is the Prime Minister. Australia has six states and two territories: South Australia, Western Australia, Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, Northern Territory and Australian Capital Territory. Each state and territory has a capital city.
T H E C A P I T A L The capital of Australia is Canberra. It is located in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) in the southeast corner of New South Wales. It is not very large with the population of about 300,000. It was specially designed and built as a capital. The new Parliament House was opened in Canberra is a natural capital without industry so the air here is fresh and crisp. Australias national sights and museums are located in Canberra. The National Gallery, the National Science and Technology Centre and so on. Parliament House in Canberra
P O P U L A T I O N Australia has a population of about 18 million people. 70 per cent of the population live in 10 largest cities. Most of the population is in the south – eastern corner of the country and only 15 per cent live in rural areas. Australia is a multicultural society. People from about 200 nations live there. But most are of British origin. The Aborigines, the Australian natives, represent about 1.5 per cent of the population.
AUSTRALIAN ANIMAL WORLD Australian animal world is unique: more than 50 types of kangaroos, enormous amount of parrots and other birds, about 200 species of frogs, 282 mammal species, 82 % do not occur anywhere else. Australian animal world is unique: more than 50 types of kangaroos, enormous amount of parrots and other birds, about 200 species of frogs, 282 mammal species, 82 % do not occur anywhere else. There is a great variety of animal life in Australias waters. There are more than 4000 species of fish in the seas around Australia. There is a great variety of animal life in Australias waters. There are more than 4000 species of fish in the seas around Australia. Tree KangarooKoala Emu