Цели проведения: Обучающая: Познакомить учащихся с традициями Америки на примере празднования Дня Благодарения (последний четверг ноября); заинтересовать уч-ся в изучении английского языка, как средства для знакомства с традициями англоязычных стран. Развивающая: развивать навыки самостоятельного поиска и подбора информации; совершенствовать навыки аудирования ; активизировать у уч-ся творческие способности при подготовке и проведении праздника. Воспитательная: расширять кругозор о стране изучаемого языка, воспитывать уважение к иноязычной культуре; воспитывать толерантное отношение друг к другу. Thanksgiving Day
МОУ « Основная общеобразовательная школа 33» The first Thanksgiving Day was celebrated by the Pilgrims in They came from England for religious freedom. They sailed from Plymouth, England, on September 16, Their ship was called the Mayflower. They landed at Plymouth Rock, in Massachusetts, on December 26, The first winter was a terrible time. There was much sickness and starvation. Native Indians taught the Pilgrims how to plant, to fish, to hunt and how to survive in America. The crops did well, and in the fall of 1621 the Pilgrims had a great harvest. They were very thankful and decided to celebrate with a feast. The Pilgrims invited their Indian friends to share this Thanksgiving feast. Thanksgiving Day comes on the 4-th Thursday in November. Its a legal holiday celebrated throughout the USA. People of all faiths celebrate this day. They give thanks for the many good things in their lives. This is a family holiday. Families come together from near and far. In some places special religious services are held in the morning. They have traditional feast. Turkey with stuffing is the main dish. It is served with sweet potatoes, cranberry, and pumpkin pie. Apple cider is the drink of the day. The department store holds its annual Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City. Celebrities, floats, bands, and balloons shaped like famous story book and cartoon characters appear in the parade. Santa Claus arrives at the end. His coming marks the beginning of the Christmas season. Stores, classrooms, and homes are decorated with turkeys, pilgrims, Indians, flowers and vegetables. Horns of plenty are very popular. Charitable organizations serve dinners to needy people. They also sends baskets of food to the elderly and sick.
МОУ « Основная общеобразовательная школа 33» 1 этап. Подготовительный
МОУ « Основная общеобразовательная школа 33» 1. Выходят дети с буквами в руках и читают стихи: T for time to be together, turkey, talk, and tangy weather. H for harvest stored away, home, and health, and holiday. A for autumn's frosty art, and abundance the heart N for neighbors, and November, nice things, new things to remember. K for kitchen, kettles' croon, kith and kin expected soon. S for sizzles, sights, and sounds, and something special that abounds. 2 этап. Проведение праздника. That spells THANKS for joy in living and a jolly good Thanksgiving.
МОУ « Основная общеобразовательная школа 33» 2. Викторина 1. When do Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day? (the fourth Thursday of November) 2. What was the name of their ship? (the Mayflower) 3. How many passengers were in the ship Mayflower? (102) 4. Where do they celebrate Thanksgiving Day? (in a family) 5. Where did the Pilgrims live in America? (in Massachusetts) 6. In which season did the first pilgrims celebrate the first T.D.?(in autumn) 7. Who helps pilgrims in America? (the Indians) 8. How did the pilgrims name America? (the New World) 9. When did the pilgrims celebrate the first T.D.? (in 1621) 10. What are traditional foods on T.D.? (turkey, pumpkin pie, pop corn) 11. Who prepared the feast? (pilgrims) 12. Is T.D. an official holiday? (yes)
МОУ « Основная общеобразовательная школа 33» 3. Кроссворд АТБШДОРЯБЛОКИ ВЫХЗЕКОТЬЛГБЮ ГКЛЮКВАРЛЮДГФ ЛВЦУКЕНГШЩЗОЫ КАРТОФЕЛЬХЪРВ УЖЭЯРЙЦУКИЙОА КФВАЕЗШГЕНЦХП УАПРХЩЗХЪДУФР РПРПИРОГОЕКЗО УОЛДЖЭЯЧМЙЕЩЛ ЗСМИЬМОЛОКОШД АЙЦУКЕНГШАНГЖ Turkey –индейка Corn –кукуруза Pie –пирог Nuts –орехи Peas –горох Milk – молоко Potatoes – картофель Canberry – клюква Apples – яблоки Pumpkin - тыква
МОУ « Основная общеобразовательная школа 33» 4. Игра Take the apple from the water without hand.
МОУ « Основная общеобразовательная школа 33» 5. Игра слов Match Russian word with English, use list of words PILGRIMS Тыква - ___________________________ Индейка –_________________________ Кукуруза – ________________________ Орехи – ___________________________ Горох -____________________________ INDIANS Пирог - ____________________________ Молоко – __________________________ Картофель – ________________________ Клюква – ___________________________ Яблоки - ____________________________
МОУ « Основная общеобразовательная школа 33» 6. Будь внимательным и быстрым. Put haricot and beans into the different plates.
МОУ « Основная общеобразовательная школа 33» 7. Игра Fill missing letters PILGRIMS SH. P C. RN T. RKEY H. NT P. MPKIN N. TS INDIANS FO. D P. E F. MILY W. NT. R P. LGR. MS T. RKEY
МОУ « Основная общеобразовательная школа 33» 8. Игра Make puzzle.
МОУ « Основная общеобразовательная школа 33» 9. Игра Рick the tail to the donkey.
МОУ « Основная общеобразовательная школа 33» 10. Итог