Present Continuous (Progressive) Tense Авторская публикация учителя английского языка МОУ Юровской СОШ Иванковой Екатерины Валериевны (вторая квалификационная категория) )
Present Continuous (Progressive) Tense ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ Утвердительная форма to be (am, is, are) + V ing I am (Im) working He is (Hes) working She is (Shes) working It is (Its) working You are (Youre) working We are (Were) working They are (Theyre) working
Present Continuous (Progressive) Tense Отрицательная форма I am not (Im not) working He is not (He isnt) working She is not (She isnt) working It is not (It isnt) working You are not (You arent) working. We are not (We arent) working. They are not (They arent) working
Present Continuous (Progressive) Tense Вопросительная форма Am I working? Is she working? Is he working? Is it working? Are you working? Are we working? Are they working?
Present Continuous (Progressive) Tense Основные случаи употребления. Present Continuous употребляется для выражения: 1. действия, совершающегося в момент речи. I am sitting at my table and reading a book at the moment. Hurry up! The bus is coming.; 2. действия, совершающегося в настоящий период времени. He is writing a new play.
Present Continuous (Progressive) Tense Дополнительные случаи употребления. Present Continuous употребляется для выражения: 1. запланированного действия, особенно с глаголами, обозначающими движение или действие. I am leaving tomorrow. We are flying to Paris in the morning.;
Present Continuous (Progressive) Tense 2. будущего действия в обстоятельственных придаточных предложениях условия и времени. If I am sleeping when he comes, wake me up, please.
Present Continuous (Progressive) Tense Глаголы, не употребляющиеся в форме Continuous. Be, believe, belong, cost, feel, forget, hate, know, like, love, mean, need, prefer, realize, remember, see, seem, smell, sound, suppose, taste, think, understand, want, have.
Present Continuous (Progressive) Tense Поставьте глаголы в следующих предложениях в форму Present Continuous. I (do ) I am doing I am not doing Am I doing? He (sleep) You (write) They (drink) We (have) She (put on) It (eat)
Present Continuous (Progressive) Tense Exercises. 1.Put the verbs into the correct form. Its 11 oclock. The pupils are having a history lesson now. The teacher (to sit) at the teachers table now. She (to tell) them a very interesting story. Some pupils (to listen) to her story. They (to be) good pupils. But some pupils (to speak) to each other now. Jane (to eat) a sweet now. She (to think) about her new doll. Jack (to read) a detective story now. What a pity!
Present Continuous (Progressive) Tense 2. Open the brackets. 1.You (to go) to a concert-hall now? 2.They (to eat) sweets now? 3.George (to write) a composition or report now? 4.She (to want) to bathe? 5.He (to like) to lie in the sun? 6.Mike and Sue (to go) to the circus now? 7.She (to drink) tea or juice now?
Present Continuous (Progressive) Tense 3. Open the brackets. 1.Where Tom (to cut) the grass now? 2.Who (to watch) TV in the living room? 3.With whom she (to go) to the museum now? 4.Where Bab (to walk) now? 5.What Granny (to water) in the garden now? 6.What music you (to listen) now? 7.With whom you (to speak) on the phone now?
Present Continuous (Progressive) Tense 4. Translate from Russian into English. 1.Мы обедаем сейчас. 2.Моя старшая сестра идет в магазин сейчас. 3.Идет дождь сейчас. 4.Наш дедушка принимает душ сейчас. 5.Аня играет в шахматы сейчас. 6.Мы украшаем елку сейчас. 7.Его друг читает книгу сейчас.
Список литературы. 1.Гацкевич М.А. Грамматика английского языка для школьников. Книга 1.- СпБ.: Каро, Murphy R. English grammar in use.- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, Swan M., Walter C. How English works.- Oxford: Oxford University Press,