Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin ( )
Biography. Ivan Shishkin was born on January, 13th, 1832 in the city of Elabuga of Viatka province. Happened from an ancient Viatka surname of Shishkinyh, was the son of a merchant of Ivan Vasilevicha Shishkin. In twelve years has been defined in pupils of 1st Kazan grammar school, but, having reached in it 5th class, has left it and has arrived in the Moscow school of painting, sculpturing and architecture ( ). Having ended course of this institution, with 1857 continued the education in Peterburzhsky Academy of Arts ( ) where was registered on the pupil of professor S. M.Vorobyova. Already in the first year of its stay in academy two small silver medals for a class picture and for a type in neighborhoods of St.-Petersburg have been awarded to it.
Having acquired, together with the big gold medal for two types of terrain Kukko, in Valaam award, the right to a trip abroad as the pensioner of academy, it has gone in 1861 to Munich, visited there workshops of known artists. In 1866 has returned to St.- Petersburg before the expiry of the term old age. After the Association of mobile exhibitions was founded, at these exhibitions produced pictures a pen. Since 1870 was accepted again to engraving by > which any more didn't abandon till the end of the life. Devoting to it almost as much to time, how many and painting. All these operations increased every year behind it reputation of one of the best Russian painters of a landscape and matchless, in own way aquafourist. The artist owned manor in village Vyra (nowadays Gatchina area of Leningrad region).
Creativity Among Russian landscape writers Shishkin, undoubtedly, posesses a place of the strongest draughtsman. In all products it is the surprising expert on vegetative forms. It plays back them with thin understanding both the general character, and the smallest distinctive features of any breed of trees, bushes and grasses. Whether it undertook the image pine or a fir forest. Whether it represented oaks or birches, they accepted at it very truthful forms in foliage, branches, trunks, roots and in all particulars. Terrain under trees stones, sand or clay, roughness of soil, grown ferns and other wood grasses, dry leaves, brushwood, wind fallen trees and other received a type of the perfect validity in patterns and Shishkin's pictures.
But this realness quite often harmed to its landscapes. In many of them it shielded herself the general mood, informed them character not patterns, and casual, though also excellent etudes. It is necessary to note also that with Shishkin that happens almost to any especially strong draughtsman has repeated: the science of forms was gave to it in a damage for color which, without being at it feeble and inharmonious, all the same it is not necessary flush with a masterful picture. Therefore Shishkin's talent sometimes is much more brightly shown in monochromatic pictures and etchings, than in such operations in which it used many colors.