Руководитель: Соловьева Н.И. учитель английского языка учитель английского языка.


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Руководитель: Соловьева Н.И. учитель английского языка учитель английского языка

The most ancient animal tamed by the person. The majority of cynologists count a wolf as a unique ancestor of a dog (Charles Darwins opinion), and all modern breeds – a result of artificial selection.

Conrad Lorenz has propounded a theory about an origin of different kinds of dogs from wolves and from jackals

The first cultivated dogs, most likely, were both watchmen, and assistants in hunting. Then there was a division of dogs into groups depending on their economic purpose (assignment).

Times have changed, and the population of many countries has a fashionable tendency to purchase exotic animals, including cats and dogs of rare breeds.

My person will not tolerate restrictions in a freedom of movement (except protection of my physical welfare). My person will not tolerate to laugh loudly at while training whatever nonsense I do. My right is to protect myself and my property with different methods. My right - to protect my territory at intrusion of other animals without my consent. I have the right to safety at my territory and I have the right to protect my things from unreasonable inspection. It is not necessary to shift me from my place during the rest without the sufficient bases on that. Under no circumstances I should not be punished by impact, otherwise I have the right to start scratching and biting. I warn all people from a mistake: it is impossible to drag me for a tail or imprudently sit on me and also not to push me when you go near me. At rendering of resistance by me on all items it is impossible to anything that can harm me. Dont forbid me to steel some food from different shops and dont forget to give me meat, fish, milk and so on. People must take care of us and love us