МОУ СОШ 47 г.Рязань Healthy and unhealthy food Выполнила Кочеткова Людмила 9 « Д » класс
Cod-liver oil dislike cod-liver oil, because it dislike cod-liver oil, because it is tasteless. But it contains many is tasteless. But it contains many vitamins, and I can use cod-liver oil in the form of capsules oil in the form of capsules
Boiled vegetables I dislike boiled vegetables in I dislike boiled vegetables in spite of the fact that they are spite of the fact that they are very good for health and contain many vitamins, fiber and protein. many vitamins, fiber and protein.
Seafood I am fond of seafood, because it is tasty and it is good for health, because it contains iodine and proteins.
Sushi I like sushi. Rolls contain rice, I like sushi. Rolls contain rice, which is full of fiber; fish con- which is full of fiber; fish con- tain protein and vitamin D and tain protein and vitamin D and seaweeds are full of iodine seaweeds are full of iodine
Sweet I like sweets in spite of the fact they are bad for health, because they consist of carbo- hydrates and calories.
Pizza I like pizza, but it is bad for health, because it is full of calories, fat and. carbohydrates.
Cereals I like cereals for break- fast because they are tasty and include fiber and protein.
Fruits I am fond of fruits, because they consist of vitamins and fluid. Everybody likes fruits.
Lasagna I like lasagna. It is tasty, but fat, carbohydrates and calories are included in it and bad for health. in it and bad for health.
WaterMelon I am fond of watermelons. This berry contains vitamins and fluid. Water- melon is tasty and has a nice smell.