football golf chess piano tennis cards rugby ice hockey PLAY GO DO swimming fishing shopping cycling windsurfing skiing canoeing running aerobics judo crosswords karate athletics gymnastics yoga photography
What does Philip do in his free time? He plays basketball, goes cycling and does crosswords but he doesnt play chess. Philip cyclingcrosswordschess X
What does Katy do in her fee time? Katy X yogashoppingtennis
Ask your pair. David judoX pianocards
Linda aerobicsswimming X football X piano
Frank athletics computer games X shoppingdrums
Debbie X cards X fishing joggingguitar
Jack & Bob table tennis canoeing X fishing chess
Mr Black violincrosswords X ice hockey X yoga
What do you do in you free time? You?X ? ?
How good is your memory? Whats his/her name? He goes fishing, plays the violin and does crosswords but he doesnt do yoga or play ice hockey. She plays pool, goes swimming and does aerobics but she doesnt play football or play the piano. He plays the drums, goes skiing does athletics and plays computer games but he doesnt go shopping.
Stand up, interview your classmates and find someone who plays football but doesnt play computer games.
Homework: Ask your parents what they do in their free time and tell your classmates.