GUY FAWKES DAY. November 5 th is Guy Fawkes Day in Britain. Guy Fawkes is the best known member of the gang which planned Gunpowder plot of 1605.


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November 5 th is Guy Fawkes Day in Britain. Guy Fawkes is the best known member of the gang which planned Gunpowder plot of 1605.

Born on 13 April 1570 at High Petergate in York, Yorkshire, Fawkes was the only son of Edward Fawkes and Edith Blake.13 April1570York Yorkshire He attended St. Peter's School in York. After leaving school, Fawkes became a footman for one of the leading statesmen of that time.St. Peter's SchoolYorkfootman Then Fawkes spent ten years fighting for the Spanish Catholics as a soldier. soldier Theatrical drawing of Fawkes holding a pistol

King James I The Kingdom of Spain was in far too much debt and fighting too many wars to assist Catholics in Britain. In 1604 King James I attacked Catholics. The plotters realised that no outside help would be forthcoming unless they took action themselves. All members of the gang were Roman Catholics and their plan was to destroy King James I and his protestant parliament by blowing them up. Fawkes was brought into the gang due to his reputation of courage

One of the members of the gang rented a house next to the Parliament and later the cellar below the House of Lords.. Guy Fawkes was probably placed in charge of executing the plot because of his military and explosives experience.

The plot was discovered when one of the conspirators sent a letter to one of the Lords in October 1605 asking him not to attend the opening of the Parliament on the 5 th of November.

Suspicions were aroused and on the night of the 4 th November Fawkes was arrested in the cellar. He had been given the task of lighting the fuse to set off the explosion.

He was tortured, but he refused to give the names of his fellow conspirators. Since then Britain has celebrated Guy Fawkes night. He was to be executed by hanging on the 31 st January However, Fawkes, though weakened by torture, cheated the hangman by jumping from the gallows and broke his neck.

Since then Britain has celebrated Guy Fawkes night. In eighteenth-century England, the term "guy" was used to refer to a picture of Fawkes, which would be paraded around town by children on the anniversary of the conspiracy.

Before November 5 th, children use their guys, figures like scarecrows, to make money. They stand in the street and shout Penny for the guy. Then they spend the money on fireworks.

But in recent years many people have thought that it is nothing more than begging. Whilst it was traditional for children to spend the money raised on fireworks, this is now illegal, as persons in England under the age of 18 may not buy fireworks or even be in possession of them in a public place.

People watch fireworks and some people go to parties in the evening.