a trio- an index – unweighted – infant mortality – life expectancy - immunisation - respiratory - infectious – inefficient – an indicator – to rank - (ranking - )
1. You know that there are 14 different indicators describing health state of the country. Why do you think Norway, Sweden and Finland are the healthiest countries in Europe? Ideas: - money for public health service; - cooperation with the private sector; - the quality of the public health service; - compulsory medical insurance; - immunisation of the population.
2. Greece and France are also high on the list thanks to good diets and lower levels of heart disease. What helps to cure the heart? Ideas: - the geographical position of the country; - food products.
3. The Eastern European countries are the unhealthiest ones. Whats the reason? Ideas : - the geographical position of the countries; - inefficient hospitals; - food products.
What factors make a country healthy? ( развернутый ответ )