Man and painting Web-quest by Irina Petukhova
Introduction This site is devoted to a man and a painting. During the accomplishment of some tasks you have an opportunity to see an International Center of Photography. This site is devoted to a man and a painting. During the accomplishment of some tasks you have an opportunity to see an International Center of Photography.
Task You are guides of the museum. First of all you must be divided into groups, which consist of 5 or 6 persons, and accomplish the following tasks: You are guides of the museum. First of all you must be divided into groups, which consist of 5 or 6 persons, and accomplish the following tasks: The first person: search some information about the museum and choose three of the painters; The first person: search some information about the museum and choose three of the painters; 3-4 members: search information about a painter (some historical facts and names of his works, which are presented in this museum) and make a small portfolio of his works, which are presented in this museum. 3-4 members: search information about a painter (some historical facts and names of his works, which are presented in this museum) and make a small portfolio of his works, which are presented in this museum. The last one: make a presentation and present it. The last one: make a presentation and present it.
Process First of all you choose a museum and then the leader of your group searches some information and gives the tasks to the other members of the group. Then they accomplish the tasks and do a power point presentation. First of all you choose a museum and then the leader of your group searches some information and gives the tasks to the other members of the group. Then they accomplish the tasks and do a power point presentation.
Mark Mark Mark You are made an evaluation by the following criteria: You are made an evaluation by the following criteria: Informatively. Informatively. Usage of vocabulary. Usage of vocabulary. Creativity. Creativity. Work of a certain member of a group. Work of a certain member of a group. Each criterion includes 10 points. Each criterion includes 10 points.
Conclusion Your group has successfully completed a virtual excursion in some famous museums. You have seen some famous artists and their paintings. Your group has successfully completed a virtual excursion in some famous museums. You have seen some famous artists and their paintings.