A.S. Pushkin 1799-1837. June 6, 1799 in Moscow into a noble family of landowners Pushkin was born a boy, who was destined to become one of the greatest.


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A.S. Pushkin

June 6, 1799 in Moscow into a noble family of landowners Pushkin was born a boy, who was destined to become one of the greatest poets of Russia. Пушкин-ребенок

Father, Sergei poor gentleman, an educated man, knew the literature, was familiar with many Russian writers, and wrote himself a little. С.Л. Пушкин

His mother, Nadezhda Levinton, accounted granddaughter Arap of Peter I, later the Russian general Hannibal. Н.О. Пушкина е гг. Great- grandfather, Abram Petrovich Hannibal "Negro of Peter the Great А.П. Ганнибал

Children in the family Pushkin had three. The eldest, Olga, the second - and Alexander Jr. - Lyovushka, family pet. Ольга Сергеевна Лев Сергеевич Александр Сергеевич

Love is the mother tongue a little Pushkin instilled grandmother, Maria A. Hannibal, excellent speaking and writing in Russian, and the nurse Arina. Ганнибал Мария Алексеевна Яковлева Арина Родионовна

In 12 years, Alexander was taken to learn a new, just opened on Oct. 19, 1811 school - Tsarskoe Selo near St. Petersburg High School, a place where the summer residence of Russian emperors

Emperor's Tsar Lyceum was founded for the education and upbringing of young people determined to be "the most important part of the service of the State." In their rights Lyceum equated with Russian universities and was under the special patronage of Alexander I. In High School took the boys years of nobility on the results of entrance examinations.

The academic year at Tsarskoe Selo Lyceum lasted 11 months, from August 1 to July 1. The Lyceum was closed institution. During the entire period of study students were not allowed to leave the limits of Tsarskoe Selo.

In each room - an iron bed, dresser, desk, mirror, chair, table for washing, and a night together. On the desk inkstand and the candlestick with a pair of tongs... "I.I.Puschin.Zapiski about Pushkin. Room by Alexander Pushkin

Антон Антонович Дельвиг Иван Иванович Пущин Close friends of Pushkin in the Lyceum. Pushkin lyceum retained the friendship and the cult of the Lyceum for a lifetime. Вильгельм Карлович Кюхельбекер

In 1815 Pushkin was a triumph gave the exam his poem "Memories in Tsarskoe Selo" in the presence of the famous poet GRDerzhavin. Length of stay in high school ended in the summer of June 9 took their final exams. "Pushkin at Tsarskoe Selo, painting Ilya Repin, 1911.

Lyceum replaced Pushkin childhood. Lyceum was over - childhood. Life began. Pushkin moved to St. Petersburg and entered the College of Foreign Affairs with the rank of a collegiate secretary, but the service is little interest to him. He was fond of the theater, balls, became a member of various literary societies, has got a lot of acquaintances.

In the first years after the Lyceum he wrote the poem "The Village," "houses", "To Chaadayev," an ode to "Liberty", the poem "Ruslan and Ludmila." Immediately after the Lyceum in 1817 and again in 1819 after a serious illness Pushkin came to the estate of the mother s.Mihaylovskoe Pskov province.

The ideas of civil liberty are also reflected in the poems, and in the behavior of the young Pushkin. "Pushkin must be exiled to Siberia: he overran Russia outrageous verses by heart all the young people read them" - such was the decision of Tsar Alexander I. Fuss friends instead of Siberia, Pushkin was exiled to the south.

For three years in exile wrote "The Caucasian Prisoner", "The Fountain of Bakhchisarai, and" Prisoner, "" The Song of Wise Oleg ". Started the novel in verse" Eugene Onegin ". In late July 1824 the reference to the parent property Mikhailovskoye Pskov province. Пушкин в селе Михайловском (Пущин у Пушкина). Н.Н. Ге г. Автопортрет

On behalf of my mother's village in Pskov province Mikhailovsky Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin was associated throughout his mature life - from 1817 to 1836 gg Под вашу сень, Михайловские рощи, Являлся я – когда вы в первый раз Увидели меня, тогда я был – Веселым юношей, беспечно, жадно Я приступал лишь только к жизни; - годы Промчалися - и вы во мне прияли Усталого пришельца. Михайловское

Утром и днем Пушкин обычно работал, потом уезжал верхом или уходил в село Тригорское, где жили соседи, с которыми он был хорошо знаком. In the evenings, when the blizzard howled outside the window, he again, as in childhood, listening to nurse's tales and songs. Here's how he wrote in a letter to his brother: "Do my lessons? Before lunch I write a note after a dinner ride on horseback in the evening listening to tales... How lovely these stories! Each of them is a poem! " Тригорское

Real treasure was for Pushkin, each tale its kind of talented and original nanny Arina Rodionovna. "He kept with it, if at home," recalls the yard people. Michael's. Many of her tales of Pushkin used subsequently as their own stories of fairy tales (in verse).

Caring and love Arina Rodionovna brightened up so the link. Pushkin is a really strong love his nurse, and wrote several touching poems addressed to her. Иллюстрация к стихотворению «Зимний вечер» …Наша ветхая лачужка И печальна и темна. Что же ты, моя старушка, Приумолкла у окна? Или бури завываньем Ты, мой друг, утомлена, Или дремлешь под жужжаньем Своего веретена? Выпьем, добрая подружка Бедной юности моей, Выпьем с горя; где же кружка? Сердцу будет веселей. Спой мне песню, как синица Тихо за морем жила; Спой мне песню, как девица За водой поутру шла… А.С.Пушкин «Зимний вечер»

Just over two years lasted link to Mikhailovskoye. It ended in September Pushkin returned to Moscow. In May 1829 he was in Moscow to woo young beauty Natalia Goncharova.

Having received no definite answer from Goncharova, it is without permission from the authorities immediately voluntarily went to the Caucasus. It is a journey of the Georgian Military Highway, thrills and numerous meetings with friends, participation in hostilities of the Russian army, accepting Arzrum Pushkin described in his autobiographical work "Journey to Arzrum" (1829).

May 6, 1830 took place. Finally, the engagement of Pushkin and Natalia Goncharova. Father gave him a village of 200 souls Kistenevka peasants, located in Nizhny Novgorod province, near his father's estate s.Boldino. The poet went there, but began in Moscow, a cholera epidemic and spaced throughout quarantines detained Pushkin Boldino from September 7 to December 2, 1830 In the autumn of Boldino Pushkin's talent reached full bloom.

At this time they were created "Belkin", "Little Tragedies: The Miserly Knight," "Mozart and Salieri, The Stone Guest," "Feast in the Time of Cholera", the poem "The House in Kolomna" over the entire novel Eugene Onegin (except for letters Onegin), the story "The history of the village Gorukhino", "The Tale of the Priest and his Worker Balde, critical articles, a lot of poems.

February 18, 1831 in Church of the Ascension of the Lord held his wedding with NNGoncharova. The first months of married life he spent with his wife in Moscow, taking off his apartment on Arbat Квартира Пушкина в Москве на Арбате From mid-October 1831 and before the end of life of Pushkin and his family live in St. Petersburg. Квартира Пушкина в Петербурге на Набережной Мойки

The eldest daughter, Maria A. Pushkin (1832, 1919). The eldest son, Alexander Pushkin (1833, 1914). The youngest son, Grigory Pushkin ( ). Youngest daughter, Natalia Alexandrovna Pushkina ( ). In Alexander Pushkin and Natalia Goncharova had four children.

In early 1834 in Petersburg, appeared the Frenchman Baron Edmond. He fell in love with Pushkin's wife and became her nurse. Ж. Дантес-Геккерн е гг. February 8, 1837, at 5 o'clock in the evening, the Black River in St. Petersburg took a fatal duel in which Pushkin was mortally wounded.

After living for 2 days in terrible agony, Pushkin died February 10, 1837 "The sun of Russian poetry Sunset" - written V. Zhukovsky.

The death of the poet was the beginning of his immortal glory on earth.

Люблю я Пушкина творенья, И это вовсе не секрет. Его поэм, стихотворений Прекрасней не было и нет! С мальства его читаем сказки, В них жар души, природы краски. Добро цветёт в них, злоба чахнет. В них русский дух, в них Русью пахнет! За Пушкина Руси спасибо От имени всего народа! Ведь мы стихи его читаем Как он писал – без перевода.

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