Подготовила: учитель английского языка МОУ «Беловская СОШ» Балдина Любовь Сергеевна
Nowadays the problems of environmental pollution are very actual. People are more concerned about the environment today, we use to discuss the most serious problems as pollution, which has many forms, the most actual problems for Belgorod region are air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, global warming and others. In the majority of cases its the result of mans activity. It has happened because people preoccupied the natural resources. Moreover, Belgorodians use natural treasures irrationally, which is the most serious point to discuss.
On the territory of our region we can see acid rains, hurricanes, town pours and the climate changes. There are a lot of industrial enterprises in region. The development of industrial enterprises promotes not only the towns growth and improving the towns dwellers living standard, but also makes worse the ecological situation. The amount of harmful discharges from the building plants, chemical industry and road transport is increasing day from day.
Traffic ticket weeks Rope months Wool socks 1 year Tin cans 100 years Aluminum cans 200 – 500 years Glass bottles forever
Take care of animals
The pollution of water is very actual. Many years ago people could catch lots of fish. But now they throw tins and paper into it.
The forests are in danger. They become smaller and smaller. The trees are cutting down, big areas of forests are burnt.
If we do our best to the green, we can change some of the statistics and can help Mother Earth.
Фотографии из личного архива Балдиной Л.С.