Project ARE YOU A FRIEND OF THE PLANET? Выполнили:Бунтова Снежанна и Низовцева Алена - 6 класс 2011 год.


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Project ARE YOU A FRIEND OF THE PLANET? Выполнили:Бунтова Снежанна и Низовцева Алена - 6 класс 2011 год

Many, many years ago, the air on our planet was pure and clean.

Then people started building factories.

Those factories, cars put a lot of waste into the air

Today the air is so polluted in some places, that its not always safe to breathe.

Our modern industry throws out into atmosphere a lot of harmful gases.

People of many cities suffer from smog

Polluted air is not only bad for people and animals, but for trees and other plants.

Animals, forests are disappearing.

You know, of course, about acid rain, which is harmful to people, plants, rivers and lakes.

You know, of course, about acid rain, which is harmful to people, plants, rivers and lakes.

It pollutes the water that animals and people need drink.

Всё правиль но It kills forests.

The pollution of the air, oceans, seas, rivers and lakes is very dangerous for living beings.

The Earth is our home, thats why we must take care of it, for ourselves and for the next generations.

We must keep our environment clean.

There are many places on our planet that need immediate help.

They are Lake Baikal,

the Aral Sea,

the Volga river and some others places.

In the Volga there is very little fish now.

It isnt eatable often, because of oil, petrol and waste which is thrown out into the water.

When we have a rest in the forest or near the river we must think about every tree, flower,

we mustnt leave tins, bottles, papers after our picnic.

Each of us must do everything possible to keep the land, air and water tidy

Love and protect our nature!