1 "The Role of Books in School Life''. 2 By the end of the lesson you will be able: to activate your background knowledge of the topic; to improve your.


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1 "The Role of Books in School Life''

2 By the end of the lesson you will be able: to activate your background knowledge of the topic; to improve your confidence as readers; to recognize the words, word-combinations when reading the text; to understand and identify the main details of the text when reading; to develop your language and discussion skills.

3 - I'm a pupil - I'm a good pupil. - I'm a clever pupil. - I'm a brilliant pupil. - I'm the most enthusiastic pupil. - I try to be the best pupil in our Gymnasium.

4 Quotations by famous people and proverbs on books ''The books can give new views to life, And teach us how to live". (George Crabber). Choose a book as you choose a friend. A room without books is a body without soul.

5 Mind-Map A Book

6 Mind-Map Knowledge School Readers A Poem A Book A Library A Writer Stories A Hero

7 Questions Does reading play an important role in your school life? How much time do you devote to it? Do you read for pleasure or for information, or both? Is reading your hobby or necessity? Can you live a day without reading?

8 "Books in Our Life Problem Vocabulary cheap – дешевий, entertainment – розвага, видовище, expensive – дорогий, коштовний, reasonably – розсудливо, прийнятно, source – джерело, thoughts – думки, ідеї, feelings – почуття, paper-back (book) – книга у паперовій обкладинці, equally – однаково.

9 State whether the statements are True (T) or False (F): 1.Television has killed reading. 2.Today, newspapers and magazines sell in very large numbers. 3.Books are an expensive way to get informa­tion and entertainment. 4.Although some books with hard covers are cheap. 5.To read the book at home is cheaper than go to the cinema. 6.Every home should have a good TV. 7.Every home should have an atlas of the world. 8.Science textbooks can help you to cook some tasty dishes.

10 Answer the questions: Why do people read books? What books should be in every home? You can relax with a good story, can't you?

11 Relaxation The more we learn, the more we know. The more we know, the more we forget. The more we forget, the less we know. The less we know, the less we forget. The less we forget, the more we know. So why study?

12 My School Library Task for the group A: 1.We can buy all the books we like and would like to read. 2.When we have to write a report on some subject we go to the bookstore and buy the book we need. 3.To enter the library one should have a boarding pass. 4.A lot of people go to libraries on Mondays. 5.I can read only poetry for a long time.

13 My School Library Task for the group B: 1.There is a big library in my school. 2.It is a little light room, very clean and cosy on the third floor. 3.There are a lot of cupboards and tables there. 4.A very nice librarian can help you to find the book you need. 5.Many engineers go to the school library too.

14 Match the words with their translations 1.importanta)читальний зал 2.poetryb)історичні романи 3.to look throughc)науковий 4.adventure storiesd)важливий 5.librariane)доповідь 6.historical novelsf)поезія 7.foreign languagesg)проглядати 8.a reporth)пригодницькі історії 9.reading hallsi)бібліотекар 10.scientificj)іноземні мови

15 Self-Assessment Think of your records. Tick how well you know it. 4 = very well, 3 = OK, 2 = a little, 1 = needs to improve. Now I can4321 Readingread and understand the text, find the necessary information in the text quickly, find the details in the text Speakingtalk about the different kinds of books, talk about the school library, ask and present information about books and writers Listening Compre­hensive understand the information during a discussion Writing write the sentences and the questions in English

16 Homework Вправа 8, ст. 41. Поставити дієслова в потрібній часовій формі. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets and put them into the correct form.

17 Summarizing We have discussed the information about the role of books in school life, presented projects. We've made different kinds of activities. We've read and translate the texts. We've put each other the questions and answered them. We've corrected mistakes. We've worked with vocabulary. We've spoken perfect English. We've enjoyed our being together.

18 Good luck! Enjoy your rest!