1 Press in the USA. 2 James Cameron, a British journalist: "It was long ago in my life, as a reporter, that I decided that the facts must never get in.


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1 Press in the USA

2 James Cameron, a British journalist: "It was long ago in my life, as a reporter, that I decided that the facts must never get in the way of truth"

3 The Aims and Expected Results: By the end of the lesson you will be able: –to develop your vocabulary on the topic "Mass Media"; –to practice speaking skills; –to improve your reading, listening and writing skills; –to develop your skills of intensive reading; –to develop cognitive and creative skills.

4 Mind-Map Print Mass Media Newspapers Magazines national serious popular popular local The example of the pupils' answers: P. I associate the Print Mass Media with…

5 THE NATIONAL PRESS OF THE USA Problem Vocabulary: inroads – зазіхання, overlook – пропускати, increase – зростання, збільшення, availability – наявність, to remain – залишатися, coverage – висвітлення подій, nationwide – загальнонаціональний, усенародний, to distribute – розповсюджувати, feature – сенсаційний матеріал.

6 Questions Questions : 1.Why are newspapers still popular with the readers though most of the news is received from radio and TV? 2.What main specific types of newspapers can be distinguished in the USA? 3.What are the most popular dailies in the USA? 4.Are there any weekly newspapers in the USA? What are they? 5.What can you say about ethnic newspapers in the United States of Ameri­ca? 6.There is no "national press" in the USA, isn't there? 7.In what way do newspapers serve the people?

7 Homework Вправа 8 (стор. 22). Поставити дієслова у потрібній часовій формі. Your task is to put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense form.

8 Summarizing What activities have we done for today? What was the most interesting part of the lesson for you? Did you like our lesson? Why?

9 Thank you for your attention and for your work! Good-bye! I wish you good luck!