Урок английского языка в 8 классе Тема «Environmental problems»
What picture do you like?
Watch the video and share your ideas about the theme of our lesson. 8 I think that it is … As for me … I dont know …
Name the environmental problems you know Environmental problems Water pollution Air pollution Disappearing of forests ?
The rest Lets listen to the song "What a wonderful world" You can relax and admire the song.
Match the words 1. Environment, 2.pollution, 3.nature, 4. ecology, 5. to protect, 6. to reuse, 7. cut down, 8. litter, 9. reduce 10. to prohibit, 11. to throw, 12.packaging. a) экология, b)природа, c)запрещать, d)использовать еще раз, e)загрязнение, f)окружающая среда, g)уменьшать, h)защищать, i)мусор, j)вырубать, k) выбрасывать, l)упаковка.
Match the words 1.F9. G Your score 2.E10. C11-12 – very good 3.B11. K good 4.A12. L5-7 - OK 5.H4-0 – try again 6. D 7. G 8.J
The plan 1. Choose one of the text and read it quickly. 2. Discuss the text in your group. 3. Summarize the main idea. 4. Report to the class about the main idea of the text.
Complete the sentences I know... (words, words combinations about the environmental problems) I can... (translate words, make up phrases, sentences, tell about the environmental problems)
Thank you for your work
Литература 1. Биболетова М.З. Enjoy English – 8. Учебник для 8 класса.- Обнинск: «Титул», ost / - картинка «Мусор» ost / 3. =18;action=display;threadid=29498;start=85 – картинка «Чистый город» =18;action=display;threadid=29498;start= видеосюжет