Составитель.В. H.Коcтина, МОУ СОШ 2 г. Амурска Above seas, above waves По морям, по волнам… Вспомним употребление глаголов do и make.


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Составитель.В. H.Коcтина, МОУ СОШ 2 г. Амурска Above seas, above waves По морям, по волнам… Вспомним употребление глаголов do и make

Fair water and smooth ! sailing ! Fair water and smooth ! sailing ! Hello, dear friend! friend! Hello, dear friend! friend! Are you ready to the next travelling with the linguistic Johnny Cakes? Are you ready to the next travelling with the linguistic Johnny Cakes? We invite you into the voyage above seas, above waves. You should choose the right ship not to sink! We invite you into the voyage above seas, above waves. You should choose the right ship not to sink! CAST OFF! CAST OFF!

On which boat are phrases with the verb to do? On which boat are phrases with the verb to do?... progress,...work... an exercise,...dinner.. homework,...the lessons

On which boat are phrases with the verb to make?...the shopping,... a cake...a dress,... a note...harm,...coffee

On which boat are phrases with the verb to to do? On which boat are phrases with the verb to to do? …damage, …noise …ones hair, … money …business, …the nails

On which boat are phrases with the verb to make ? On which boat are phrases with the verb to make ? …an apology …ones best … decision, …a phone call …cooking, …lunch

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…a list, …friends On which boat are phrases with the verb to make? …arrangements, an exercise …an effort, …up ones mind

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On which boat are phrases with the verb to do?... a difference,....plans...a research,...the ironing...exams,...ones bed

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