My School Николаева Анна Николаева Анна Артамонов Алексей Артамонов Алексей
My School This is my school. There are two floors in it. It is big. 345 pupils study at our school. On the ground floor there is the cloak- Room, canteen, gym, headmasters office, computer class. In the computer room we can often play or work with a computer. The assembly hall and teachers room, many classes are on the first floor. They are for History, Biology, Geography, Foreign Languages, Literature and ext. They are well equipped and nicely decorated. Our school library is big. There we can find every book we study at our Literature classes.
CLASSROOM RULES Always give every task your best effort. Cooperate with other people in the class. Work quietly at your desk. Raise your hand if you have something to say or need help. Listen carefully Follow directions Respect others. Be kind with your words and actions.
Kids Billboard Take care of your health. Dress neatly Be polite Be honest. Have a sense of humor. Be positive.