PROJECT Computer in our life Executed work: Ророva E.V.
Computer is irreplaceable thing in our life.
History of creation First computer in the world was created in Greece about 2000 years ago.
Success is nothing teaches. Pol Gardner Allen It is to convinces clever people that they are cant to lose. Gates Bill. Scientists programmers I do not trust to computer thet I cant to lift. Jobs Stiv.
Bill Gates Pol Gardner Allen In 1975 Bill Gates and Pol Allen are founded the company Micro- Soft, later the name of the Microsoft Corporation.
Stiv Jobs He is an american entrepreneur and inventor. Jobs was a founder of the chairman of the board of directors and CEO of Apple corporation. Jobs listed as the primary inventor or as author in more than 230 awarded patents or patent applications, connected with the spectrum of technologies from the real computers and portable devices to user interfaces (including sensory), speakers, keyboards, power adapters, stairs, fasteners, hoses, belts and bags.
Application domains computer: education ; medicine ; jurisprudence ; mail ; service business ; culture ; art.
Answer the questions: When was created the first computer?
More than 2000 years ago
In what country was found first computer in the world?
In Greece
In what year was created the Microsoft corporation?
In 1975 year
Who are the founders of Microsoft corporation?
Bill Gates and Pol Allen
Who was the director general of the Apple corporation?
Stiv Jobs
How many patents have been awarded to Steve Jobs?
More 230
Thanks for your attention!