Pregnancy and the New born
Etiology is a highly infectious chronic disease caused by the TB bacilli. Mycobacterium Tuberculosis- acid fast bacillus Mode of transmission Airborne droplet
Signs and Symptoms Chronic cough Weight loss Nights Sweets Chronic Fatique
Effects to mother: I.Mother I.Pre-natal A. gravid uterus pushes diaphragm and lungs to different shape may rupture calcified lesions activating disease B. Pushing during labor, increase intrapulmonary pressure II. Post partal: C. Lungs suddenly returns to pre-pregnant position and breaks open calcified lesion.
II. Drugs Management: 1.No pregnancy until PTB becomes inactive about 1-2 year TB lesions never actually disappear but only closed of and made inactive 2. Maintain adequate level of calcium during pregnancy to ensure TB pockets closed Calcium Supplements must be given
Effects to infant: Spread thru: 1.Placenta (circulation) 2.After birth (droplet) a. should have 3 concentrated negative sputum for AFB b. No need to be isolated c. Newborn with INH prophylaxis d. Skin test with 3 months intervals e. If mother is on INH and infant also on INH- Infant should not be breastfed causes overdose (toxic effects).