Is the Earth a Dangerous Place? Disasters Disasters earthquake earthquake hurricane hurricane tornado tornado volcano volcano flood flood drought drought.


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Is the Earth a Dangerous Place? Disasters Disasters earthquake earthquake hurricane hurricane tornado tornado volcano volcano flood flood drought drought.

Natural disasters. Every year different natural disasters happen in our planet. Earthquake Hurricane Tornado Volcano Flood Drought.
Natural disasters. Every year different natural disasters happen in our planet. Earthquake Hurricane Tornado Volcano Flood Drought.
Natural disasters. A long period of weather with no rain is a drought.
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Is the Earth a Dangerous Place? Презентация к уроку по УМК: М.З.Биболетова, Н.Н. Трубанёва. Enjoy English 5.

Is the Earth a Dangerous Place?

Disasters Disasters earthquake earthquake hurricane hurricane tornado tornado volcano volcano flood flood drought drought [ 3:Өkweik] [ 3:Өkweik] [h^rikәn] [h^rikәn] [ to:neidәv] [ to:neidәv] [valkeinәv] [valkeinәv] [fl^d] [fl^d] [dravt] [dravt]

An earthquake- is a sudden shaking of the ground. An earthquake- is a sudden shaking of the ground.

A hurricane is a very violent wind or storm.

A tornado- is a very violent wind in the form of a funnel of air that spins at great speed across. A tornado- is a very violent wind in the form of a funnel of air that spins at great speed across.

A volcano - is a mountain with a hole called a crater in the top. Sometimes lava and gases are released from the crater.

A flood is a large amount of water which quickly covers a place that is usually dry land.

A drought- is a long period of dry weather when there is not enough water.

Сontinents Countries Earthquake s Hurricanes Tornadoes volcanoes

Countries Earthquakes Asia,South America,North America,Europe Japan,China,In dia,Turkey,pery, Chile,Mexico, the USA,Armenia,r ussian Hurricanes Asia,North America Japan,Russian, China,the USA Tornadoes North America The Usa volcanoes Europe,Asia,So uth America Italy, Russian,Salvad or,Hawaii

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Word Focus To break- to separate something into parts suddenly To break- to separate something into parts suddenly # the boy has broken his chair # the boy has broken his chair To destroy- to damage something so much that it cannot be repaired To destroy- to damage something so much that it cannot be repaired To damage- to spoil or to break something so it does not work properly or look like it did before, To damage- to spoil or to break something so it does not work properly or look like it did before,

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