Lets learn the ABC together!
the ABC AaBbCcDdEeFf GgHhIiJjKkLl MmNnOoPpQqRr SsTtUuVvWwXx YyZz
[æ] Закр. cat [ei] Откр., ´ name Vowels [a:] Mark [εэ] Clare Aa [ei]
Read: Kate has a cat, a car and a hare. A black cat sat on a mat and ate a fat rat.
[e] Закр. Ben [i:] Откр., ´ Pete Vowels [э:] Bert [iэ] here Ee [i:]
Read: Pete* has a pet and a perfume* here. Eight elegant engineers eating excellent eggs.
[i] Закр. Nick [ai] Откр., ´ Mike Vowels [э:] bird [´ aiэ] fire Ii [ai]
Read: Mike has a pig, a bird and a fire. A pig in a wig did a jig on a twig.
[o] Закр. Tom [эu] Откр., ´ Rose Vowels [o:] Norman [o:] more Oo [эu]
Read: Rose has a dog, a fork and an ore.
[Λ] Закр. mum [ju:] Откр., ´ Susan Vowels [э:] fur [juэ] pure Uu [ju:]
Read: Susan has a cup, a turkey and pure orange juice.
[i] Syd [ai] by Vowels Yy [wai]
Read: A fly can fly and a baby cant fly.
Some combinations: oo [u] Look, here is a book. We can cook. oo [u:] There is a pool near our school. ee [i:] I see a bee in a tree. ea [i:] I like tea and meat. I eat meat.
[b] bad Consonants Bb [bi:]
[k] cake [s] Перед e, i, y city Consonants [k] ck Nick [t] ch peach Cc [si:]
Read: ch [t] The children reach for a peach. ck [k] Nick has a stick.
[d] duck Consonants Dd [di:]
[f] face Consonants Ff [ef]
[g] glove [dЗ] Перед e, i, y orange Consonants [ŋ] ng song Gg [ dЗi: ]
Read: ng [ŋ] Sing a song. Bring me a ring. Rumbling, rolling down the hill, Rumbling, rolling past the hill, Rumbling, rolling in the snow, Rumbling, rolling off we go. Huffing, puffing down the hill, Huffing, puffing past the hill, Huffing, puffing in the snow, Huffing, puffing off we go. Off we go! Off we go!
[h] hat Consonants Hh [eit]
[dЗ] jar Consonants Jj [dЗei]
[n] kn knife [k] kitten Consonants Kk [ kei ]
Read: kn [n] I know where the knife is.
[l] lamp Consonants Ll [el]
[m] mouse Consonants Mm [em]
[n] nice Consonants Nn [en]
[f] ph phone [p] pet Consonants Pp [p i: ]
Read: ph [f] Phone me. Give me a photofraph and a book on geography.
[kw] queen Consonants Qq [kju:]
[r] rat Consonants Rr [a:]
[] Sh she [s] seven Consonants Ss [es]
Read: sh [] She is in the shop. The fish is in the dish.
[t] ten [ð] this Consonants [θ] three Tt [ ti: ]
Read: th [θ][ð] This is a thick book. Thank you.
[v] vase Consonants Vv [vi:]
wh [w] what wr [r] wrong Consonants Ww [´dΛblju:]
Read: wh [w] What? Where? Which? When? Why? wr [r] Wrong number. You are wrong.
[ks] box Consonants Xx [eks]
[z] zoo Consonants Zz [zed]
Now you know the ABC! The ABC Now I know my ABCs, Next time want you sing with me! The ABC Now I know my ABCs, Tell me what you think of me!
Thank you for attention!
Материалы: Клементьева Т.Б., Монк Б. Счастливый английский. Кн.1: Учеб. для 5-6 кл. сред. шк. – М.: Просвещение,