Guess … Who is it? It is clever and funny. It can jump, run, play and make faces. It lives in a tree. It likes bananas.


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ЗАГАДКИ GIRAFFE A lot of spots. A long, long neck A funny scarf. It s a …
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Guess …

Who is it? It is clever and funny. It can jump, run, play and make faces. It lives in a tree. It likes bananas.

a monkey

Who is it? It is big and strong. It is grey. It lives in Africa. It likes cabbages and carrots.

an elephant

Who is it? It is yellow, brown and black. It has a very, very long neck. It lives in Africa. It eats leaves, grass.

a giraffe

Who is it? It is a nice bird. It is green, blue and yellow. It can speak. It is clever.

a parrot

Who is it? It is big. It is brown. It lives in the forest. It likes honey.

a bear

Who is it? It is a wild animal. It can run. It lives in the forest. It is red.

a fox