Тypes of disasters 1) fire 1) fire 2) air 2) air 3) water 3) water
Fire - a set of hot gases generated as a result of: - Arbitrary or inadvertent heating of combustible material to a certain point; - Chemical reaction (here and below refers to combustible materials, such materials as wood, and unreacted components such as sulfur); - The contact high voltages with combustible material.
. Water cycle - a continuous process of water circulation in the world between the geosphere, due to solar energy, gravity and geological processes. In the process of circulation of the water evaporates from the ocean surface Circuit, water vapor moves with air currents, condensed, and the water is returned in the form of precipitation on the surface of land and sea.
Wind - a horizontal movement of air parallel to Earth's surface, resulting from the uneven distribution of heat and atmospheric pressure, and sent from a zone of high pressure to low pressure zone
Volcanoes - geological formations on the surface of the earth's crust, spewing lava on the surface, volcanic gases, rocks (volcanic bombs), pyroclastic flows.
. Wildfire - natural (uncontrolled) burning has spread to the forest area, surrounded by nonconducting area. In the forest area, which extends from the fire, and includes the open forest land. By the same fire applies to all fire traversed the area, surrounded by a nonconducting area at the moment. Wildfire - natural (uncontrolled) burning has spread to the forest area, surrounded by nonconducting area. In the forest area, which extends from the fire, and includes the open forest land. By the same fire applies to all fire traversed the area, surrounded by a nonconducting area at the moment
Tsunami - a long-wave, arising out of the jar of water in the ocean or other body of water. The cause of most tsunamis are strong earthquake spread some waves, but the underwater earthquake. The first is not always the strongest. Over 80% of tsunami occur on the periphery of the Pacific
Drought - a long and significant lack of rain, often at high temperatures and low humidity, which resulted in depleted soil moisture reserves, leading to a decrease or loss of yield.
Hurricane (typhoon) - the destructive power of wind, and of considerable duration, the rate of which exceeds 120 km / h.