The questions without answers One day Looking at nowhere I stopped to think of …


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The questions without answers One day Looking at nowhere I stopped to think of …

the meaning of eternity, life, love and friendship…

I called God to help me make out of it. I asked: Whats the eternity? Is it an endless chain of events or only time? Can I ever learn my part of the eternity?

Because I think people are miserable and futile in comparison with IT….

As for my life, с an You answer What should I do further? Is it really a good thing for me to teach when I must be taught as well…..

As for love…. I cant yet understand if love exists I understand that there is passion, sex, attraction or even a habit…but not love…

As for friendship.. Can it continue for all the life? Even when we settle down in different places and meet each other seldom

So I stood but didnt hear the answers…… Suddenly I saw the sun smiling on me It was clear. I must search for the answers in myself

That the Eternity is nothing but the life of a separate man is this eternity

That friendship is a difficult thing

That love is all around you You can feel it when you stop making noise and any other stuff

When I should always make a compromise where I shouldnt betray

That my life is just a heap of questions without answers ???