Carrot has a lot of vitamin A, so it is good for your eyes and it helps to grow. Carrot has a lot of vitamin A, so it is good for your eyes and it helps.


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Carrot has a lot of vitamin A, so it is good for your eyes and it helps to grow. Carrot has a lot of vitamin A, so it is good for your eyes and it helps to grow.

A lot of vitamins C; B they are healthy for your eyesight, heart; blood, thyroid gland; nerves; they gives you strength and appetite. A lot of vitamins C; B they are healthy for your eyesight, heart; blood, thyroid gland; nerves; they gives you strength and appetite.

Tomato is very useful for your heart ; blood. It helps your stomach and intestines to work better and strengthen your organism. Tomato is very useful for your heart ; blood. It helps your stomach and intestines to work better and strengthen your organism.

Cucumber is very high in iodine and potassium. Its good for your heart and vessels; makes your memory and appetite better. You need it if you play sports. Cucumber is very high in iodine and potassium. Its good for your heart and vessels; makes your memory and appetite better. You need it if you play sports.

Pumpkin is full of vitamins and minerals. Eat it when you have problems with your intestines. Pumpkin is full of vitamins and minerals. Eat it when you have problems with your intestines.

Are rich in special substances which prevent you from colds and many other diseases. Are rich in special substances which prevent you from colds and many other diseases.

It is a source of protein. It can be used instead of meat. It is a source of protein. It can be used instead of meat.

Lemon is full of vitamin C and it prevents from colds. Lemon is full of vitamin C and it prevents from colds.

Grapefruit has a lot of vitamins, helps to improve your sleeping and against obesity. Grapefruit has a lot of vitamins, helps to improve your sleeping and against obesity.

Banana has much potassium and so it is good for heart; brains; teeth; liver and especially muscles. Banana has much potassium and so it is good for heart; brains; teeth; liver and especially muscles.

Peach is full of vitamins and minerals and is useful for heart. Peach is full of vitamins and minerals and is useful for heart.

Kiwi is a source of vitamins A;B;C and cellulose and magnesium. It improves your immunity, digestion. It is healthy for your blood and vessels, reduce cholesterol. Kiwi is a source of vitamins A;B;C and cellulose and magnesium. It improves your immunity, digestion. It is healthy for your blood and vessels, reduce cholesterol.

Apples have a lots of iron so they are very useful for blood. An apple a day keeps a doctor away. Apples have a lots of iron so they are very useful for blood. An apple a day keeps a doctor away.

Is highly useful for us first of all it has a of antioxidants and helps to be younger and healthier. It is very good during a hot summer and it strengthens your organism. Is highly useful for us first of all it has a of antioxidants and helps to be younger and healthier. It is very good during a hot summer and it strengthens your organism.

They have a lot of vitamins. Juices can freshen you, make you strong and healthy and they are simply very tasty. They have a lot of vitamins. Juices can freshen you, make you strong and healthy and they are simply very tasty.

Fish has much phosphorus and iodine. It is very good for you and prevents from diseases of the thyroids gland. Fish has much phosphorus and iodine. It is very good for you and prevents from diseases of the thyroids gland.

Caviar is useful for blood, it increases the amount of your hemoglobin and makes you stronger. Caviar is useful for blood, it increases the amount of your hemoglobin and makes you stronger.

Its very healthy for us it is a substitution of sugar. Honey is very good for your skin and muscles. Also its useful for your organism in whole. Its very healthy for us it is a substitution of sugar. Honey is very good for your skin and muscles. Also its useful for your organism in whole.

Its called The vitamin of joy. It can strengthen you and prevent from stress. Chocolate is extremely useful for your brain and memory. Its called The vitamin of joy. It can strengthen you and prevent from stress. Chocolate is extremely useful for your brain and memory.