Idioms Made by Zinovieva Julia English teacher School#8. Sevastopol.
Idiom.. What is this? An idiom is a phrase where the words together have a meaning that is different from the dictionary definitions of the individual words, which can make idioms hard for ESL students and learners to understand. Here, we provide a dictionary of 3,497 English idiomatic expressions with definitions.
For example, Bad Apple& Bad Egg A person who is bad and makes other bad is a bad apple. A person who cannot be trusted is a bad egg. Good egg is the opposite.
Сопоставление с русскими фразеологизма ми
Between a rock and a hard place Between a rock and a hard place If you are caught between a rock and a hard place, you are in a position where you have to choose between unpleasant alternatives, and your choice might cause you problems; you will not be able to satisfy everyone. Между двух огней Из двух зол выбирай меньшее
Piece of cake Piece of cake If something is a piece of cake, it is really easy. Как два пальца об асфальт
Keep someone at arm's length Keep someone at arm's length If you keep someone or something at arm's length, you keep a safe distance away from them. Держаться от чего-то подальше На метр не подходить
Kill two birds with one stone Kill two birds with one stone When you kill two birds with one stone, you resolve two difficulties or matters with a single action. Убить одним выстрелом двух зайцев.