Great Britain. LONDON
Trafalgar Square
Buckingham Palace
Westminster Abbey
Westminster Cathedral
The Houses of Parliament
Big Ben
Tower Bridge
St. Pauls Cathedral
Telephone booths
River Thames
landscapeландшафт, пейзаж beachesпляж remoteвіддалений stoneкаміний narrowузкий thatched накритий (соломою) strawсолома
legendлегендаjealousревнивий visionВідіння Read the text and after reading answer the questions. AN EDINBURGH MUST-SEE Don't leave Edinburgh without visiting Holyrood Palace, the Queen's official residence in Scotland. According to legend, King David I founded an abbey at Holyrood in 1128 after he saw a vision of a cross there. Over time, Holyrood changed into a fortress and then a baroque palace. Today, you can visit the Royal Apartments and the Great Gallery, with its portraits of Scottish monarchs. Many visitors also enjoy the historic tower apartments, where the jealous husband of Mary Queen of Scots murdered her secretary. Holyrood Palace and its gardens are open every day. You can get to Holyrood Palace easily by car, train, bus or coach. By train, it is fifteen minutes' walk from Waverley station. Car and coach parking for visitors are free of charge.
Homework. Домашнє завдання. Your task will be: To do exercise 6 on page 111.