FASHION Fashion is here Fashion is there Fashion is everywhere Fashion is me Fashion is you What is fashion? What is it for you? Fashion`s as beauty As the sky`s blue If there`s no fashion What will we do ?
Write down April,29 th. Fashion is … … … for me.
cluster fashion
Знал Хочу узнать Знаю We knowWe want to know Now I know
Уже знал /Новое /Думал иначе/ Не понял V I know + New for me - Don`t think so ? Don`t understand
Знал Хочу узнать Знаю We knowWe want to know Now I know 1 fashion is …Fashion of the future. 2 Fashion of the past. 3 Fashion of the other countries. 4
TRENDY UNTRENDY Slim bodies, tight waists, pale appearance, healthy appearance, lace(кружево), frills(жабо), high waisted dresses, short dresses, long dresses, short hair, extravagant outfits.
clusterfashion appearance style clothes demonstration tradition modern collection outfit long dress short dress extravagant design palehealthy
Make up your own sentenсes Fashion is … for me.
OH! Fashion !!!
Fashion comes and goes, but having a kind heart is more important