The institutionalization and evolutionary dynamics of interorganizational alliances Perspectives on networks Economic-based views of alliances The corporate strategy perspective The interorganizational field perspective Osborn, R.N. and Hagedoorn, J. (1997) "The institutionalization and evolutionary dynamics of interorganizational alliances and networks", Academy of Management Journal, 40 (2):
Economic-based views of alliances Research and Development Collaborations International business perspective and alliances. For expansion of multinational enterprises Transaction Costs and Alliances Osborn, R.N. and Hagedoorn, J. (1997) "The institutionalization and evolutionary dynamics of interorganizational alliances and networks", Academy of Management Journal, 40 (2):
The corporate strategy perspective Mixed expectations concerning Alliances. Because of difficulties of managing without control the main issue became compatibility between partners. Revisions in the early estimates. Compatibility is not linked to alliance performance in general. Revisions to initial Theoretical Assumptions. National and industrial considerations for specific types of networks. Osborn, R.N. and Hagedoorn, J. (1997) "The institutionalization and evolutionary dynamics of interorganizational alliances and networks", Academy of Management Journal, 40 (2):
The interorganizational field perspective Technology and Learning views of alliance. Use of alliances has been more common hi-tech companies. In addition. Learning is facilitated by increased communication. Social and individual characteristics. Cultures… national comparative advantages…experience and predispositions of the individuals using alliances (perceptions of key managers) Institutionalization. Embeddedess of alliances in their environments Osborn, R.N. and Hagedoorn, J. (1997) "The institutionalization and evolutionary dynamics of interorganizational alliances and networks", Academy of Management Journal, 40 (2):