My favourite character
Phonetic drills: [b] bossy, boastful, bully, but, Bill, boy. [h] help, helpful, hand, to give a helping hand, hurt, hero. [t] talk, talkative, tell, to tell the truth, tease.
Translate from Russian into English: Майк очень общительный и разговорчивый человек. Кейт добрая, но ленивая девочка. Моя сестра всегда говорит правду. Мой брат дружелюбный и веселый. Джеймс любит хвастаться и командовать. Но он никогда не сплетничает. Мы с лучшим другом никогда не ссоримся. Мои одноклассники никогда не дразнятся.
Your task: 1. Choose a favourite character from a book, film or real life. Draw him/her or stick on a photo. Write what he/she is like and why you like him/her.
Your task: 2. Show your drawing to your classmates and answer their questions. Let your classmates guess who the character is.
You can use the following phrases: My favourite character is… I want to tell you about… She (he) is… She (he) never… I like her (him) because… I want to be like…
Presentation by Shteinbreher A.V.