Ekaterina Polkovitch АкваПром AcvaProm. Detergent using in Domestic needs Transport industry Food industry Daily needs Machine- tool industry Machine-


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Ekaterina Polkovitch АкваПром AcvaProm

Detergent using in Domestic needs Transport industry Food industry Daily needs Machine- tool industry Machine- building industry And others

History was founded the permission of sanitary- epidemiology laboratory application for invention rights testing and selling

Description of detergent Safety Pricing

Unique features Decompose Ability to regenerate Concentrate Synergism Working at low temperature

Goals Main goal : expanding industry output to the new market of detergent output to the market of Siberian Region and Russian Federation

Strategy 1 stages – approvement of detergent 2 stages – output to the market of Novosibirsk city and Novosibirsk Region 3 stages – output to the market of Siberian Region 4 stages– output to the Russian Federation market, taking 3% of detergent market