ENGLISH1/2012 ENGLISH 1/2012 RIGHT AS RAIN Cliché PERFECTLY FINE; ALL RIGHT. Lily has sprained her ankle, but after a few weeks of rest she should be as right as rain. All we need to do is tidy the house up; then it will be right as rain.
ENGLISH1/2012 ENGLISH 1/2012 TO COME IN OUT OF THE RAIN Fig. TO WAKE UP TO REALITY; TO COME DOWN TO EARTH. Hey, man! Come in out of the rain! Don't you see that your boss is taking advantage of you!
ENGLISH1/2012 ENGLISH 1/2012 TO COME RAIN OR SHINE NO MATTER WHETHER IT RAINS OR THE SUN SHINES; IN ANY SORT OF WEATHER. Don't worry. I'll be there come rain or shine. We'll hold the picnicrain or shine.
ENGLISH1/2012 ENGLISH 1/2012 IT NEVER RAINS BUT IT POURS Prov. GOOD (OR BAD) THINGS DO NOT JUST HAPPEN A FEW AT A TIME, BUT IN LARGE NUMBERS ALL AT ONCE. Fred: I can't believe this. This morning I had a flat tire. When I went to the garage to get the tire patched, I discovered I didn't have any money, and I couldn't even charge it because my credit card's expired. Jane: It never rains but it pours.
ENGLISH1/2012 ENGLISH 1/2012 IT'S RAINING CATS AND DOGS Fig. TO RAIN VERY HARD. It's raining cats and dogs. Look at it pour! I'm not going out in that storm. It's raining cats and dogs.
ENGLISH1/2012 ENGLISH 1/2012 NOT KNOW ENOUGH TO COME IN OUT OF THE RAIN Fig. TO BE VERY STUPID. Bob is so stupid he doesn't know enough to come in out of the rain. You can't expect very much from somebody who doesn't know enough to come in out of the rain.
ENGLISH1/2012 ENGLISH 1/2012 RAIN DOWN ON SOMEONE OR SOMETHING TO FALL OR DROP DOWN ON SOMEONE OR SOMETHING LIKE RAIN. The ashes from the incinerator rained down on us, getting our clothes dirty. The hail rained down on ussome of it quite large.
ENGLISH1/2012 ENGLISH 1/2012 RAIN ON SOMEONE'S PARADE Fig. TO SPOIL SOMETHING FOR SOMEONE. I hate to rain on your parade, but your plans are all wrong. She really rained on our plans.
ENGLISH1/2012 ENGLISH 1/2012 TO TAKE A RAIN CHECK SOMETHING THAT YOU SAY WHEN YOU CANNOT ACCEPT SOMEONE'S INVITATION TO DO SOMETHING BUT YOU WOULD LIKE TO DO IT ANOTHER TIME I'll take a rain check on that drink tonight, if that's all right. I won't play tennis this afternoon but can I get a rain check?
ENGLISH1/2012 ENGLISH 1/2012 TO WAIT FOR A RAINDROP IN THE DROUGHT TO WAIT OR HOPE FOR SOMETHING THAT HAS LITTLE CHANCE OF HAPPENING. For many people finding a job these days is like waiting for a raindrop in the drought!
ENGLISH1/2012 ENGLISH 1/2012 RAIN SOMETHING DOWN (ON SOMEONE OR SOMETHING) TO POUR SOMETHING, SUCH AS CRITICISM OR PRAISE, ONTO SOMEONE OR SOMETHING. The employees rained criticism down on the personnel manager for the new policy on sick leave. The audience rained down compliments on the performers.
ENGLISH1/2012 ENGLISH 1/2012 CHARGE IT TO THE DUST AND LET THE RAIN SETTLE IT Rur. DO NOT EXPECT TO BE PAID FOR THIS. (A HUMOROUS ANSWER TO A QUESTION LIKE, "WHO IS GOING TO PAY FOR THIS?") Tom: Who's going to pay me all that money you owe? Mary: Charge it to the dust and let the rain settle it!