Оноре Е.В., учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ 16 города Кропоткин
1. the people of Russia 2. the biggest cities of our country 3. Russias nature and animals 4. the weather in different parts of Russia
Scenery – пейзаж diverse – разнообразный amazing – удивительный, изумительный impressive – впечатляющий, внушительный vast [va:st] – необъятный, обширный extreme – крайний birch tree – берёза own [oun] – собственный culture – культура magnificent - великолепный
Nationality Time zone Subtropical Tundra Steppe
Desert – a vast area of sand, sunny and hot Population – people, who live in a particular country Temperate – a climate, which has cold winters and hot summers Monsoon – a climate, which has lots of rain
Complete the sentences: 1. The name of our country is……… 2. Russia lies in ………. 3. Russia stretches across …… times zones. 4. Most part of Russia has ………………climate with cold winters and hot summers. 5. The coldest place in the world is…… 6. The symbols of Russia are…….. 7. The capital of Russia is…….. 8. The countrys main ports are…….
Russia has medals Gold – 13 Silver -11 Bronze -9 All medals - 33 The Paralympics: Gold – 30 Silver -28 Bronze -22 All medals - 80